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Message Publié : 27 Janvier 2021, 16:01 

Inscription : 05 Décembre 2020, 09:22
Message(s) : 5
As most of you know flash player has a built in killswitch to stop runing content after 12 january 2021.

There are a couple of ways of circumventing this.

1 the easiest one. change the date to something before 12 jan 2021. Your browser might display an error message but flash will run content including Eredan.

2 get a flash version without the killswitch, most of them are prior or during 2017 versions. Here is one plus a tutorial:
You might need a differen web browser to run it depending on your system.

3 Use a Virtual Machine with al old browser / flash player. Some old versions browsers like Chrome v 49 or prior have built in flash that doesn't have the killswitch, howerver they might not install on newer OS. However you can run them with a VM and an old OS.

4 To keep an eye on in developement Flash content players like Ruffle, wich might soon run Action Script 2 wich is needed for Eredan. I heard there are a few more and some for linux GNU's. If anyone knows more ples feel free to share.

5 although this works its a bit hard to control the game: you can play from an android device with the browsing app Flash Fox or something similar. From a PC you can also through an android Emulator, but in my opinion to much work for faulty gameplay. Is usuefull if you just want to log in to get a calendar bonus.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Février 2021, 21:48 

Inscription : 12 Février 2013, 23:08
Message(s) : 29
Hello everyone! We have carried out 2 new checks. Mainly since I did not have access to my usual machine in which I use obsolete software and I run Eredan from Chrome v49 and a modern flash I have made the test of installing the old flash on a machine with windows 10 that I had, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox . For those who do not remember is this method and this version of Flash:

The result was that in addition to Pale Moon, the browser that they recommend and that I also install, Eredan also runs on Internet Explorer, and not only goes faster but with better resolution than Pale Moon. So we consider it as a new method. We emphasize again that in all other browsers (Edge, Chrome and Firefox), even though it is an old version of Flash, Eredan does not run. We believe that there is some way to associate the programs, but for now we have come this far. I hope they serve the info!

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Message Publié : 02 Mars 2021, 22:05 

Inscription : 12 Février 2013, 23:08
Message(s) : 29
New flash player!!!

I'm still trying it so don't know for sure if it will run Eredan, but check it out!!

Volrath_the_Fallen a écrit :
As most of you know flash player has a built in killswitch to stop runing content after 12 january 2021.

There are a couple of ways of circumventing this.

1 the easiest one. change the date to something before 12 jan 2021. Your browser might display an error message but flash will run content including Eredan.

2 get a flash version without the killswitch, most of them are prior or during 2017 versions. Here is one plus a tutorial:
You might need a differen web browser to run it depending on your system.

3 Use a Virtual Machine with al old browser / flash player. Some old versions browsers like Chrome v 49 or prior have built in flash that doesn't have the killswitch, howerver they might not install on newer OS. However you can run them with a VM and an old OS.

4 To keep an eye on in developement Flash content players like Ruffle, wich might soon run Action Script 2 wich is needed for Eredan. I heard there are a few more and some for linux GNU's. If anyone knows more ples feel free to share.

5 although this works its a bit hard to control the game: you can play from an android device with the browsing app Flash Fox or something similar. From a PC you can also through an android Emulator, but in my opinion to much work for faulty gameplay. Is usuefull if you just want to log in to get a calendar bonus.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 29 Avril 2021, 18:07 

Inscription : 15 Février 2013, 00:39
Message(s) : 3
Here is a portable Chrome version that should run flash content and a video tutorial in spanish!! Its a pre-killswitch dating version. Check it out!
And specially also the Apple version for all Mac users!! ... ...

Video tutorial en castellano y version de Chrome portable que deberia correr todo el contenido en flash. Es la ultima version antes del killswitch

Melgor a écrit :
New flash player!!!

I'm still trying it so don't know for sure if it will run Eredan, but check it out!!

Volrath_the_Fallen a écrit :
As most of you know flash player has a built in killswitch to stop runing content after 12 january 2021.

There are a couple of ways of circumventing this.

1 the easiest one. change the date to something before 12 jan 2021. Your browser might display an error message but flash will run content including Eredan.

2 get a flash version without the killswitch, most of them are prior or during 2017 versions. Here is one plus a tutorial:
You might need a differen web browser to run it depending on your system.

3 Use a Virtual Machine with al old browser / flash player. Some old versions browsers like Chrome v 49 or prior have built in flash that doesn't have the killswitch, howerver they might not install on newer OS. However you can run them with a VM and an old OS.

4 To keep an eye on in developement Flash content players like Ruffle, wich might soon run Action Script 2 wich is needed for Eredan. I heard there are a few more and some for linux GNU's. If anyone knows more ples feel free to share.

5 although this works its a bit hard to control the game: you can play from an android device with the browsing app Flash Fox or something similar. From a PC you can also through an android Emulator, but in my opinion to much work for faulty gameplay. Is usuefull if you just want to log in to get a calendar bonus.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Juin 2021, 12:43 

Inscription : 26 Février 2015, 16:56
Message(s) : 2
Nick_the_Quick a écrit :
Here is a portable Chrome version that should run flash content and a video tutorial in spanish!! Its a pre-killswitch dating version. Check it out!
And specially also the Apple version for all Mac users!! ... ...

Video tutorial en castellano y version de Chrome portable que deberia correr todo el contenido en flash. Es la ultima version antes del killswitch

Melgor a écrit :
New flash player!!!

I'm still trying it so don't know for sure if it will run Eredan, but check it out!!

Volrath_the_Fallen a écrit :
As most of you know flash player has a built in killswitch to stop runing content after 12 january 2021.

There are a couple of ways of circumventing this.

1 the easiest one. change the date to something before 12 jan 2021. Your browser might display an error message but flash will run content including Eredan.

2 get a flash version without the killswitch, most of them are prior or during 2017 versions. Here is one plus a tutorial:
You might need a differen web browser to run it depending on your system.

3 Use a Virtual Machine with al old browser / flash player. Some old versions browsers like Chrome v 49 or prior have built in flash that doesn't have the killswitch, howerver they might not install on newer OS. However you can run them with a VM and an old OS.

4 To keep an eye on in developement Flash content players like Ruffle, wich might soon run Action Script 2 wich is needed for Eredan. I heard there are a few more and some for linux GNU's. If anyone knows more ples feel free to share.

5 although this works its a bit hard to control the game: you can play from an android device with the browsing app Flash Fox or something similar. From a PC you can also through an android Emulator, but in my opinion to much work for faulty gameplay. Is usuefull if you just want to log in to get a calendar bonus.

Thank you Som much! ... Works perfectly!

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