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Message Publié : 19 Novembre 2017, 15:38 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Darwin_Little a écrit :
DoctorDark a écrit :
Darwin_Little a écrit :
Kindly report it anyways, since it is a bug :)

It's not a bug ^^ as luciano said, Gae Bolga becomes item other before any other effect is is specified in its description. We will discuss with the other Guild Leaders whether the order should be reversed or not, but provided that gae bolga is one of the most op cards of the game, I am on the "not" side, and i think many others will be on the same opinion.
We will keep you updated.

Well once again, people who pay money for these cards expect them to work properly. It is only so OP because global portal was banned from global,really,maybe you should vote to bring that back, since stalling decks have become possible after the extreme nerfing of damned cards.

Well, according to our plans, Gae Bolga will receive a permanent ban from global.
but mentioning once again, it's effect currently works as described. It cannot trigger limahong's bonus, because it is NOT a weapon at the moment of its activation. It's quite simple. It worked this way even before limahong was released, it was not modified. It's effect was defined that way.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 07:19 

Inscription : 18 Juillet 2014, 10:53
Message(s) : 93
I have never supported or used Gae Bolga in Global to begin with,without having portal to negate the ridiculous amount of damage it can do. However, I don't understand why characters with chain spear should be able to chain it, if it is not a spear. In this case it shouldn't discard your other weapons either.

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 13:00 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Darwin_Little a écrit :
I have never supported or used Gae Bolga in Global to begin with,without having portal to negate the ridiculous amount of damage it can do. However, I don't understand why characters with chain spear should be able to chain it, if it is not a spear. In this case it shouldn't discard your other weapons either.

Because the order in every card that works this way is the following (not only gae bolga, there are others like Amber fetishes)
- When it is in your hand, it is a Spear. (so you can chain with some characters)
- After you hit the fight button, the effects activate in the order of description, and always the card's effect activate first, only after the characters'... So gae bolga is already an item other when Limahong's effect would take it into consideration.
The "effects" of the already active cards (like a previously attached weapon) are always active, so when another weapon is played, it will discard the previous weapon, because the new one is not activated yet...

It's quite complicated, but it is not bug, it's predefined game mechanism.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 15:56 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
Darwin_Little a écrit :
I have never supported or used Gae Bolga in Global to begin with,without having portal to negate the ridiculous amount of damage it can do. However, I don't understand why characters with chain spear should be able to chain it, if it is not a spear. In this case it shouldn't discard your other weapons either.


"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 20:37 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
1. If give atack bonus while playing Gae Bolga, same should be for direct damage.
2. Its a problem with word "play" - it have some diffrent meanings in this game:
a time when you put a card directly on board (play a card from a zone)
b time when card is considered (??)
c time when player accept 1 to 2 cards at the start of the fight (eg.: Jochan, Protector [...] )
d time directly after card has been activated ( eg.: Limahong, Boadicea)

3. As for me as with current wording both effects should take effect (without looking at balance) since d misleading players and most intuitive way is a ( and is in game).
And i'm retired MTG player where is stack idea eg:
Boadicea play a Gae Bolga from hand -> her character ability comes on stack and will be resolved even when Gae Bolga is ignored.

Changing stack rules to this game:
Boadicea play a Gae Bolga from hand -> her character ability comes on stack and will be resolved directly after Gae Bolga activation if it goes. Checking card type comes directly after play a card step.

(characters limit)

Dernière édition par Khirr le 21 Novembre 2017, 20:38, édité 1 fois.

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 20:37 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
4. As play wording has more than one meaning and changed it to most intuitive meaning may cause balance issues, i vote for split play keyword for more than one:
play - time when card is put on board from any zone, including 2c.
consider - time directly before card is activate
resolve - time when card effects takes place, include activates, eot, eof, sot, sof effects
activates - time when card effects takes place for the 1st time
??* - time directly after card activate
+ maybe a two keword-phases more, directly before and after resolving a card

Effects conditions is checked durning phase matched with keyword.
(So Gae Bolga is Spear for effects starting in play, consider and activates phases, and is item other in ?? phase)
Effects that trigger durning card acivation ( if they aren't from resolving card), comes to live in ?? step in their coming order, before ?? step effects.
(Unless for exemple they have trigger immediatly keyword)

So back to main topic, now Limahong gain: "If you only have an alive Captain**, your characters have Attack +1 until the end of the game each time they ?? a Weapon (max +3)." and her rules can be interpreted in one way (As long there is a rule guide on forum) and still work as she work now.

* ?? - I havn't idea for this keyword name.
** Shouldn't be "If you have an alive Captain" or "If you have only one alive Captain"?

Dernière édition par Khirr le 21 Novembre 2017, 21:01, édité 3 fois.

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Message Publié : 21 Novembre 2017, 20:46 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
Darwin_Little a écrit :
[...] However, I don't understand why characters with chain spear should be able to chain it, if it is not a spear. In this case it shouldn't discard your other weapons either.

It is spear: You equip it (lose previous weapon/s as your new is two handed), pierce enemy and left him bleeding with spear in flesh (he hasn't it as weapon, so Gae Bolga becomes item other).

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