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Message Publié : 03 Juillet 2022, 18:33 

Inscription : 03 Juillet 2022, 18:12
Message(s) : 1
I realise this might not be the place for this, but I was unsure how to contact support. Since returning to the game, I realised that the facebook login is no longer accessible. I've tried logging in more times than I can count, but I can't seem to remember my username/password combination as I always used the facebook login feature.

I tried resetting my password using the email linked to facebook, by everytime I do it brings up an empty black prompt saying "information". I was wondering if there is any way I can access my account again, or some way I can at least determine my username. The emails I have from the game address me as "Facebookfirstname_Facebooklastname", but it hasn't worked with any of my password combinations either.

I've since made this account to post here, but I'd preferably like access to my original account.

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Message Publié : 03 Septembre 2022, 10:46 

Inscription : 26 Janvier 2022, 06:27
Message(s) : 1
You might try to look for an old picture or FB publication like the ones you used to post to give free cristals that I think included your username.

Most accounts paswords were retrievable to the email that you set on your preferences inside the configuration. That feature still works. Some were able to login to FB in the past making sure the address started with https!! It might work with puffin browser. I tried on google portable and didnt work but i heard some players can access through the old internet explorer as well. the right browser combination plus making sure starts whit https might work.

xcalistar a écrit :
I realise this might not be the place for this, but I was unsure how to contact support. Since returning to the game, I realised that the facebook login is no longer accessible. I've tried logging in more times than I can count, but I can't seem to remember my username/password combination as I always used the facebook login feature.

I tried resetting my password using the email linked to facebook, by everytime I do it brings up an empty black prompt saying "information". I was wondering if there is any way I can access my account again, or some way I can at least determine my username. The emails I have from the game address me as "Facebookfirstname_Facebooklastname", but it hasn't worked with any of my password combinations either.

I've since made this account to post here, but I'd preferably like access to my original account.

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