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 Sujet du message : Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 17 Juillet 2016, 20:52 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42

I don't know if someone already said it, but the Tame Pamm (maybe the cause is Varez) has a bug which disable her Chain for Drakonic Spells for Tamers sometimes. Meaning there are matches in which I can use the chain and some where I loose because I can't chain my Crystal Dragon with her.

Next I don't know if there really is another Bug with the Tamers but I think Drakat gives +2 on Magical damage, too but it's sometimes hard to see if it really has such an bug. You can proof it when fixing Pamm.
But please fix Pamm first because the Darkat bug is a little thing that excuse that the chain doesn't work always. If possible fix both at the same time so it's fair again.

PS: This is my first time using the forum and I have no idea if I've used it right.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 18 Juillet 2016, 13:03 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
hey marvin, its not your 1st time... its your 5th time o.O

anyhow yes you did good reporting this bug... it would be awesome if you could provide a screenshot when you are not able to chain

and also a screenshot once you deal a fixed amount of magical damage (crystal dragon does 6 i think) and if drakat really gives +2 on magical damage a screenshot should show that in fact it dealt more damage then it should

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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 18 Juillet 2016, 20:17 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
be sure pamm is alive for the spell chain and no extra effects for magic dmg bonus like ogmor order bonus

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 21 Juillet 2016, 23:16 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
You're right Calandra I think I've forgotten the first times and as I have looked it up it was to one thread. What I meant was I haven't used the Forum that much and because I've forgotten the first Thread I've commented I said something incorrect.

To the Bug. I tested Ogmor on turn two (Bonus not Active) and he dealt 8 Damage to Bragan. (3 Dmg because of Ability +3 because Charing the class -2 Spirit from the opponent = -4 Lp) Which means somehow he did 2 more damage than he should. I believe that this could be related to Darkat maybe the damage is caused By Ogmor (I already testet it once with direct damage because I used the Axe which deals direct damage when used by a Noz).

The Next thing is Pamm is alive in the picture and Varez has no pet which confirmes that somehow the ability of Pamm don't work sometimes. As one can see in the Picture Ogmor has no Chain on the magic attack although he is Tamer and the spell is Draconic. I couldn't Chain a Crystal Dragon either.

I try to get another Picture of Ogmor with Crystal Dragon turn 1 in which Crystal Dragon deals more than 6 damage and one in which another Character deals more than 6 Damage with that Spell but I need to find someone to test it against. I don't want to waste energy again to show the Bug is real. I guess that it is a thing between Ogmor and Drakat. But it could also be a thing which is related to Darkat on its own.

Okay I have a File but I can't attach it. The Side says "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 21 Juillet 2016, 23:27 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
if you use any website to upload a picture you will in turn get a URL adress which... if you post it here should show the picture you uploaded... i know there is an attachment option but i m not sure if it really is supposed to work for us...

just google pic upload and you will find plenty of websites for this purpose

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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 21 Juillet 2016, 23:57 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42

I hope it works. Thx Calandra.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Tamer Pamm Bug
Message Publié : 31 Août 2016, 17:00 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
Wolvos a écrit :
be sure pamm is alive for the spell chain and no extra effects for magic dmg bonus like ogmor order bonus

I just tried the tamers in Amnezy Tournement using Videncia instead of Vaerzar and Pamm still has the Bug that I don't get Chain when I play a Draconic spell.
And this picture confirms it:


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