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Message Publié : 09 Août 2017, 03:09 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 59
Reproducibility: 100%

Recap: When I activate a damned soul card with the help of another card that plays it from my hand (such as Concil's Banner), it is not playing extra card from my hand.

I did not try sacred soul card.

I play Spell A and Council's Banner. None of them are soul cards. My character is damned soul card. Concil's Banner activates and I play a damned soul card from my hand. When the damned soul card activates, it is not asked for me to play an extra card from my hand. I could not check if the +1 damage was applied too.

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Message Publié : 09 Août 2017, 05:33 
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Inscription : 12 Avril 2013, 08:55
Message(s) : 349
The fact is that Concil's Banner doesn't copy the propreties of the choosed card (damned, souled, foil, artwork or whatever), it gonna plays a normal copy.
So yeah, it's not a "pure" real copy...

>>L'Univers est Vibration<<

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Message Publié : 14 Août 2017, 11:24 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
there is another bug with the banner though... if it copies a card and then gets to graveyard, recycled and played again... its not doing another copy... but rather just does nothing and goes directly to graveyard... so either you create a copy and pull the banner out of the game or you let the banner copy and copy and copy every time it gets recycled... the current way is bugged

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