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 Sujet du message : [reported]Civil War / Blackness
Message Publié : 07 Mai 2013, 12:45 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 13:33
Message(s) : 169
It's broken. Doesn't work. Is costing me games and savage ammounts of rating in Quil. Fix it.

I've been wondering for a while, didn't seem to be doing enough, but now I'm sure.

Just playing against Nomads... NO damage reduction in play (Inakta untapped), turn 4, blackness on 2 enemies... fighting the other enemy... the out of combat enemies both have 1 spirit and 0 defense, the in combat enemy has 3 spirit 4 defense. My character is a warrior.


Physical: 1 damage to the in combat character. 5 + 1or2 + 1or2 to the out of combat characters. (5-0 defense & 2 of both characters with blackness allies took damage)
Magic: no damage to in combat character. 2 + 1or2 to the out of combat characters (3-1 spirit & 1 of both characters with blackness allies took damage)
Direct: 1 damage to the in combat character. 1 + 1or2 + 1or2 to the out of combat characters (1 direct & 2 of both characters with blackness allies took damage)

MINIMUM is 3 to out of combat characters...

One took 1, one took 2.

No, I didn't anticipate when I'd need to screenshot, let alone screenshot before/after & pasting while not letting it time down... just do some test stubs.

Also, try the same thing with two tapped allies and a champions aura into civil war with blackness on the two out of combat characters... that didn't do near what it should have either.

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