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Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2014, 03:50 

Inscription : 02 Décembre 2014, 04:45
Message(s) : 5
Hi :) I started this game 2 weeks ago, still no idea what to do.
As It'd take hours to list all my questions, I summarized them into three queries.

1.How should I grind?
I lack hard cards and crystals, of course, so it is obvious I should farm hard.
Problem is that I hardly beat any adventures except the first one.
(Always got stuck at the fifth~sixth value missions)
Should I just keep play the first one?
If so, which one is better? regular missions or the boss mission?

2.Which deck should I aim for?
I know It is impossible to make top-tier deck from the start in this kind of games.
(Unless I PAY HELL LOT, which i'm not planning for now)
But aren't there cheap, effective, 'works fine for noobs like you' decks?
It would be grateful If you gentlemen set some directions for me.

3.Where can I see the database of the cards?
Of course I know there is wiki link on top of this screen.
Problem is that their data are focused on French wiki. English one seems.. outdated.
How can I know damn French when I don't even know English well? argh...
If there is another source of information, please tell me :?
I don't want to learn whole language to play just a game.

Well that's all for now.
Sorry for bad English.. I'm just poor foreigner who speaks English once a year.
Actually even this short writing couldn't be done without google translations :)

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Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2014, 11:19 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
grind = adventure mode (bosses)

abara deck (with the free cards of the calendar)

you can switch the language in game and you can see every single card in you collection (change the first option to show all cards)

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2014, 12:05 

Inscription : 02 Décembre 2014, 04:45
Message(s) : 5
Wolvos a écrit :
grind = adventure mode (bosses)

abara deck (with the free cards of the calendar)

you can switch the language in game and you can see every single card in you collection (change the first option to show all cards)

Thanks :D But do you mind If I confirm your answers?

1.So the boss fight is better? Should I keep play 'the final confrontation'?

2.What is abara? Does it mean stone-linkers? If so, how should I build them?

3.Well I know how to browse my own card ;) What I want to know is cards exist in the game.
->nevermind, I figured out. Thanks!

Dernière édition par DualK le 11 Décembre 2014, 18:18, édité 1 fois.

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Message Publié : 11 Décembre 2014, 12:31 
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Inscription : 31 Mars 2013, 01:12
Message(s) : 719
1. Get yourself into an active guild/clan (clan bonus helps a lot).

2. Try to get yourself a few decks to fight the dragons (for this also Abara works).

3. Farm in Adventure mode (here are 2 options)
3.1 Farm the 5 energy missions for crystals (with perfects, clan bonus and so it is possible to make 7000+ crystals this way per day).
3.2 Farm bosses (for a win you get 1-2 cards(even mystical cards are possible)).

4. get yourself into the tournaments / this way you receive metals (even just for entering a tournament)
if you are good enough to get get 1501+ raning with 5+ games you can make around 100 medals per week, (500 are an booster or 2000 an legendäry)

5. watch a few videos or do other stuff (or spend money) to get yourself as fast as possible the treasures gems (in the shop)
Image Image

6. get yourself a few in game friends to help you

7. go for the dragon hunts

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Message Publié : 12 Décembre 2014, 01:58 

Inscription : 02 Décembre 2014, 04:45
Message(s) : 5
--Tigerclaw-- a écrit :
1. Get yourself into an active guild/clan (clan bonus helps a lot).

2. Try to get yourself a few decks to fight the dragons (for this also Abara works).

3. Farm in Adventure mode (here are 2 options)
3.1 Farm the 5 energy missions for crystals (with perfects, clan bonus and so it is possible to make 7000+ crystals this way per day).
3.2 Farm bosses (for a win you get 1-2 cards(even mystical cards are possible)).

4. get yourself into the tournaments / this way you receive metals (even just for entering a tournament)
if you are good enough to get get 1501+ raning with 5+ games you can make around 100 medals per week, (500 are an booster or 2000 an legendäry)

5. watch a few videos or do other stuff (or spend money) to get yourself as fast as possible the treasures gems (in the shop)
Image Image

6. get yourself a few in game friends to help you

7. go for the dragon hunts

thank you! those helped lot! :)

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