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 Sujet du message : Opinions
Message Publié : 16 Octobre 2013, 08:01 

Inscription : 14 Septembre 2013, 13:34
Message(s) : 14
I know for a fact that this will get locked, censored or whatever but i don't care. So in my opinion this game sucks. Seriously this game is just awful. I love online gaming and find this game to be a complete eyesore. The only reason i find it to be an eyesore or even bother to post this is because the game had so much potential. This game's concept and mechanics are well thought out and are fun. However, this game could take a lesson from other games, oh wait yeah mentioning other games is like some huge taboo because feerik is insecure or something, but what ever back to the point.

The monetary system is crap as is the pack system. All these cards that are cycled out ( of the current meta ) or are past a certain date of release should be put in packs for crystals as the new release make them completely worthless ( except for a select few ) outside of adventure mode. There needs to be price monitoring in the market place so that there can be an increase in how many crystals you can earn per battle to match the prices. Nothing is more frustrating to a player than having to fight 100 battles to make 8k crystal ( without getting perfects but still having the 2x crystal bonus ) to get one card that they need multiples of. Sure the trophies help with this but most of them require you to have a complete deck to finish. Make the newer cards their own pack ( stop clumping them together in that grab bag pack ) and charge feez for them until they get out dated. I play ( oh here comes the taboo ) WWW and they have implemented such things and there player base is a lot more content than that of this game.

Oh and take some advice from real card games and devise a forbidden, limited and semi limited list for your cards and balance the cards that are op but you don't want to put on the list ( will also be proposing this idea to WWW). That is my opinion, I am entitled to it as is everyone else so if this doesn't get locked/censored i would like to hear every ones opinion and i am sure the moderators will love telling me how many forum rules i just broke.

P.S. feerik learn to adapt you game or it will die out and most importantly your player base is what makes you not the other way around so get off your high horse and listen to them. Probably gonna get banned so if i don't come back this is Ace90980 signing off.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Opinions
Message Publié : 16 Octobre 2013, 09:12 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
Just one rule broken, You can't name another online game.
The name is removed.

Collectionneur de cartes

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 Sujet du message : Re: Opinions
Message Publié : 17 Octobre 2013, 02:24 

Inscription : 14 Septembre 2013, 13:34
Message(s) : 14
Cool glad i only broke one :D said what i needed to say so now i'm done

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 Sujet du message : Re: Opinions
Message Publié : 18 Octobre 2013, 09:37 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Zurga a écrit :
Just one rule broken, You can't name another online game.
The name is removed.

Name any game, and have it removed.

Online doesn't matter. Hey guys, what do you think about Chess? That aside, yeah Feerik probably need to try to do something new to put life back into Eredan. It's just floating along collecting just enough cash to stay in business it seems, with the lack luster and sometimes brain dead design choices they've made over the last few months(that pirate event, really?).

We need new, long time playing, blood in this game or it's going to die. But rather than try to do so, we just seem to be milking the current player base to death.

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