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Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 14:28 
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Inscription : 25 Juillet 2013, 00:32
Message(s) : 1651
*Orshen met son gilet pare-balles*

Je propose ces nerfs

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : Pour chaque Allié Hom'chaï mort, Attaque, Défense et Esprit +2 et 2 soins de vie.
Attaque +1 ou +2 supplémentaire pour chaque objet porté par vous ou un de vos alliés. Enchaînement Hache ou Lance ou Masse.
Justification : Cette carte est juste horrible. Elle plante la plupart des decks non-mage et ne sert pas à grand chose contre les mages. Pourquoi ne pas la rendre moins abusée contre les non-mages et plus utile contre les mages?

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : Rajouter "-1 aux dégâts infligés jusqu'à la fin du combat les 2 prochaines fois que vous activez un sort foudre".
Justification : Cette carte fait beaucoup trop mal. Je ne sais pas si mon idée est la meilleure, mais je trouverais ca correct de baisser les dommages sans pour autant stopper les combos du deck courti-foudre.

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : "puis jouez un Objet qui n'est pas un grelot de traqueur".
Justification : Trop de bonus et de cartes jouées en un tour à mon goût.

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : Durée 3 tour. A chaque tour, les 2 premières fois que vous êtes blessé, une carte adverse attachée à un personnage est défaussée.
Justification : C'est une carte qui casse un peu trop facilement le jeu de l'adversaire. Et ce n'est même pas une rare...

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 17:46 
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Inscription : 31 Mars 2013, 01:12
Message(s) : 719

Modification suggestion: Duration = permanent and no limit on the attack boost.
Justification: It takes time to build up and other tree cards. Many decks can control the match ups and with a duration of 2 fights you lose to fast before you can create a benefit.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 19:01 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:01
Message(s) : 916
Carte actuelle à modifier : Amnzey
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2, Attaque = 7/10, Defense =2 et Vie restante =15 , Attaque +2 contre les Combattant.
Justification : très faible et inutile

Carte actuelle à modifier : Chérubine
Proposition de modification: Esprit =2 , Attaque = 7/10, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =16 , Esprit + 2 contre les Mages.
Justification : très faible et inutile

Carte actuelle à modifier : Beltania
Proposition de modification: Race: Vie restante =15 , Tour 1 to 4 :- 2 aux dégats physiques et magiques.
Justification : Il n'y a pas beaucoup de cartes qui permettent beltania modifier ses caractéristiques après avoir copié un autre personnage.

Carte actuelle à modifier : Ciramor
Proposition de modification: Vie restante =15
Justification : quelques points de vie

Carte actuelle à modifier : Deirf Geis
Proposition de modification: Vie restante =14
Justification : quelques points de vie

Carte actuelle à modifier : Jayane
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =7 /8, Defense = 4 et Vie restante =14.

Justification : très faible et inutile

Carte actuelle à modifier : Santa
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =7 /9, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =14.

Justification : a peu de résistance, tué dans la première bataille

Carte actuelle à modifier :Toran le Sans foi
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 3 , Attaque =5 /7, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =14.

Justification : très faible et inutile

Carte actuelle à modifier : Shulong le Vénérable
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 4 , Attaque =10 /12, Defense = 4 et Vie restante = 35 , “Shulong” n´attaque pas main inflige 6 dégats magiques á tous ..

Justification : Actuellement, il ya beaucoup de personnages qui vont jusqu'à les points d'attaque à plus de 10, et leur dégâts magiques est très pourri à l'esprit supérieur à lui, le tuer très rapidement.

Carte actuelle à modifier : Krokrem
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =8 /9, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =16 ,

Justification : a peu de résistance, très faible et inutile (est un Classe et Race oublier)

Carte actuelle à modifier : Roi Hrimmir
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =8 /9, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =16 ,

Justification : a peu de résistance, très faible et inutile (est un Classe et Race oublier)

Carte actuelle à modifier : Ursyd

Proposition de modification: Esprit = 1 , Attaque =7 /10, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =17 ,

Justification : a peu de résistance, très faible et inutile (est un Classe et Race oublier)

Carte actuelle à modifier : Valentyne
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 1 , Attaque =7 /9, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =14 , En debut de tour , deux Objet de Valentyne dans votre Deck ést attache á “Valentyne” et ces objets ne peuvent être exclues.

Justification : : a peu de résistance, très faible et inutile

Carte actuelle à modifier : Maitre-Craquemage
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =9 /12, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =15 , Tour 2, 4 et 6 : - 2 aux dégats ..
Justification : peu de résistance, meurt dans la première bataille

Carte actuelle à modifier : Craquemage ( Femme)
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 ,Attaque =7 /10, Defense = 2 et Vie restante =14 ,Tour 2 et 6 : Attaque + 1 et Defense + 1.
Justification : peu de résistance, meurt dans la première bataille

Carte actuelle à modifier : Craquemage ( Homme)
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =8 /1, Defense = 1 et Vie restante =15 , Tour 3 et 5 : Attaque + 1 et Defense + 1.
Justification : peu de résistance, meurt dans la première bataille

Carte actuelle à modifier : Ombre du Craquemage
Proposition de modification: Esprit = 2 , Attaque =8 /12, Defense = 3 et Vie restante =13 , Tour 1 á 3: Attaque + 1 et Esprit + 1.
Justification : peu de résistance, meurt dans la première bataille


Por mi se va a la ciudad doliente, por mi se ingresa al dolor eterno, por mi se pierde toda esperanza.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 20 Janvier 2014, 21:49 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750

You can chose to whom your swords bind played by the effekt of asajiro.
Change order bonus from 2,3 to 1,3
Justification:at them oment its to much of a luck game to play with asajiro either for whos starting or which sword bounds to which char and maybe discartign all weapons from your deck

Chains when playing
the enemy can not reduce the spirit of your tsoutai
better order bonus e.g. def +2 spirit +2
add war guemelite as race
Justification:maybe increse the game mechanic brought into the game and makes him playable and stand out as the tsoutai leader

adding human to his race
maybe adding a bonus to your tsoutai when toran is in your party like spirit +1
increase base attack to 8/10 like
attack +2 vs mages
orderbonus spirit +1 attack +4 def -2
although i would prefer a new artwork and release as a champion
Justification: well it makes him viable again, it also gives him the form of a brutal char your will fear, like an all out going out for a kill char

-2 of your kotobas recieved magic damage
if a is in your deck it will bind to gakyusha at the start of the game and aktivate imidiatly
Justification:gives the kotoba a bit more magic sustain, becouse there is no viable anti magic char for the sword kotoba + the sword from the start of the game gives him a litle extra boost, like

should become part of the basic deck
Justification: none of the basic kotoba chars are realy strong, all of them are by fat outdated and cant face of agaisnt those never chars with incredibly high values like the nehants or

change from 2 to 3 rounds to a flat 3 rounds.
Like a said, to much luck based, drawing the right cards and hitting the max min attack is enough luck in this game

chain noz items
attack 6/9
orderbonus: attack 2 spirit 1
Justification: wel, make him viable and at stand out as a leader

Schould be changed so you can chose who is healed.
Like i said earlyier, its too luck based, way too ofte chars get the heal wo dont need it.
Costed me countless victorys

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Janvier 2014, 05:30 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243

Modification: Add turn 1,2,3 ( and maybe 4) to it's effect. This way it still works as intend, a counter for being 1hko but doesn't break the game.
Justification: Beyond game breaking. This card can win games just by holding on to it and using it at the end of the game.

Modification: Made into armor. Defense+1. Defense +1 and Spirit +1 to all your Warriors.
Justification: Most powerful armor in the game. And you can play it with more armor.

Modification: Add Archon Caste. If only Archon alive your Runics gain a Cor Rune at the start of the game. Loses the turn 1 and 2 chain ability.
Justification: Way to much power for a legendary. Already has an amazing chain and turn bonus, being able to give all characters chain is broken.

Modification: At the start of each fight, Opposing Character has ( debuff effect she has now) until the end of the turn.
Justification: Keeps the debuff effect onto one character. shows having a AoE debuff is power is to powerful to have right at the start.

Modification: Duration 2 turns.
Justification: A card that stop people from playing cards is too broken to be a sure fire thing. By doing this you have to play it smart not just whenever you want.

Card: lv 2
Modification: Resets your level to base and prevents it from being raised. Gives healing to Berserkers as well. The heal is halved.
Justification: Avalonians with this is too much. Reseting lv to base will stop them from abusing this with , also a full heal is absurd OP.

Modification: This card is attached to your opponent. He suffers 4 to 7 magic damage and has spirit -1 and attack max -3. Perm.
Justification: Thunder Mage are beyond powerful getting rid of the pure mage skill in exchange for a perm duration seems fair.

Modification: No longer creates "Attracts Lightning".
Justification: It already creates one very good card no point in having it create a broken combo.

Modification: All opposing characters have Attack-1. All your characters have Spirit and Defense +1. Noz: Duration 4 turns.
Justification: Stronger than if it stays as is.

Modification: Add Warrior or Marauder: Attack-3 or 4.
Justification: At one point the warriors that could use this had very weak attack power. That is no longer the case.

Modification: No longer has the revive ability.
Justification: Is even stronger passive than and that's a legendary card.

Modification: Add Warrior or Maruader: Attack -4.
Justification: Overpowered for non pure mage.

Modification: Amend the item effect to: As this card activates an item from your deck is placed in your hand and all in your hand are placed in your deck. Play an item.
Justification: Way to powerful if it is allowed to play another Tracker Bell.

Modification: Remove from the game after it is done. Duration 2 turns. Loses chain.
Justification: Way to good of a removal card for Immortals.

Modification: Loses the "2 cards from discard pile are put in your deck" and duration to 4 turns. Loses chain
Justification: To much for to little and in the hands of immortal completely broken.


Modification: Add Heal 2 to passive ability; change turn bonus to Even Turns: Heal 2.
Justification: To weak to take advantage of it's ability.

Modification: Add Non-Multi Class Priest: An extra 2 turns chain.
Justification: exist.

Modification: Make the defense -2 till the end of the game. End of spell duration the other characters have defense -3 till the end of the game.
Justification: To slow and weak to of a debuff. works better.

Modification: Make it Unique. Make it perm.
Justification: exists.

Modification: Can chain daggers not duel wield (most daggers do that). Attack +2 turn bonus happens on odd turns. 7/10 Attack.
Justification: Sub Par Character and it is the face of the game.

Modification: Gives that 1 Max hp to all Witchblade whether or not Anazra is in deck. Attaches a from deck to a random opponent at the start of the game.
Justification: Makes her usable again.

Modification: Permanent. Duel Wield. Attack +1 and an additional +1 for every "Blade of the Witch" in play Deal 4 magic damage to your opponent. Mage: Earn the Warrior class in addition to your other ones. Marauder:Chain Warrior: Reactivates at the start of each fight.
Justification: About time the caste item gets re-used.

Modification: You get Spirit and Defence +2. 3 Magic cards from your discard are place in your deck.
Justification: Current form is useless, this one gives a bit of protection (both from attacks and discard).

Modification: No longer requires a higher spirit. Noz Non Multi Mage bonus: Duration 2 Fights.
Justification: , and exist.

Modification: Noz bonus gives attack +X where X is Spirit bonus and heal 2.
Justification: The extra attack is from bonus so doesn't overshadow .

Modification: no longer AoE. Choose 1 opposing permanent and discard it. Non Multi class mage: Choose 1 additional opposing permanent.
Justification: No chain just to take out 3 cards is pointless when freeze does that for items or you can play .

Modification: No longer perm. Attack +1 till the end of the game to your priests. Mercenary bonus: Chain. Returns to your deck after the fight.
Justification: Gives it use for Mercenaries.

Modification: Your Avalonians have Lv +1 and Defense +1 until the end of the game. Duel Wield "Sword of the 5 Elders". Turn Bonus: Attack +1 and Lv +2 until the end of the game.
Justification: He is the first Avalonian and the leader and yet sees no use.

Modification: Gains War Guem. Includes himself in -1 to damage suffer. Creates a after all cards have been played.
Justification: Has no other purpose in this game.

Card: All Shields or Armor
Modification: Make it so Shield are "Armor Shield" and armor become "Armor Suit".
Justification: No warrior chains shield doing this keeps them from being the same thing and keeps the armor chain.

Dernière édition par Oscar_Gomez le 30 Avril 2014, 17:12, édité 11 fois.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Janvier 2014, 12:16 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:21
Message(s) : 491
Carte actuelle à modifier : (Fire)
Proposition de modification : Ajouter: Defense=2, En dèbut de tour, tous les personnages gagne 1 marqueur "poudre".
Justification : pour un nouveau pirates feu deck.

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification: Race: Guèmèlite de l'Ombre, Guèmèlite de la Guerre. Attaque: 4/6.
-1 aux dègats reçus par vos Traqueurs et Corbeau.
Chaque fois qu'un de vos personnages active un autre Sort Ombre ou Sort Guerre, vous gagnez Attaque +1 jusqu'à la fin de la partie.
Chaque fois qu'un de vos personnages active un autre Sort Ombre ou Sort Guerre, il a Attaque +1 jusqu'à la fin de la partie.
Justification: A ajuster par rapport à la méta actuelle.

NekrosisOR in game.

I miei mazzi:

Katla Tornado AoE <3

Dernière édition par Bleach s5 le 01 Février 2014, 23:56, édité 2 fois.

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Message Publié : 21 Janvier 2014, 18:50 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750

Increase the Life points the 2. effekt triggers to lower than 12
Justification:A good card to give the kotoba somethign against def monsters, but sadly the window of the card is WAY too small, sometimes enemys just get you to 8 life and you have no chance to use this card.
lower than 12 is a good number becouse it lower than the base life of every char which means you must have taken at least some for of damage.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Janvier 2014, 20:21 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 103

Modification suggestion: +2, +1 Def and Spirit, Order bonus moved to turns 1, 3, and 5.
Justification: Too low stats to survive even one round nowadays. Order bonus is on such turns opponent can always avoid it - and using or likes is pointless since it will still do less damage than 2 spells

Modification suggestion: +2 Spirit. Your characters having a pet gain +2 to stats determined by pet's type (Offensive = ATK, Defensive = DEF, Offensive = SPT)
Order bonus: now affects characters with any pet, not just magic.
Justification: Vaerzar is just lame character: fails as a simple mage because of 1 spirit, fails as a would-be pretty original 'pet-support' character because his abilities just suck.

Modification suggestion: Now shows enemy the card being removed from game*.
Justification: It is unfair for a player not to be able to see which card he just lost, especially in combo-oriented decks.

*If it's hard to program, put it something like this:
After the start of the fight put a card from opponent's deck into his hand. After cards have been played, it is removed from game (meaning even if someone tries to play it, it is still removed immediately and has no effect..

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 21 Janvier 2014, 20:52 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:21
Message(s) : 491

Modification: ADD RACE: Beast, Dais. Spirit: 2, Attack: 7/9, Defense: 3, Base HP: 14
Gain chain if you play a Sap Heart Item.
Your Sap Heart gain Defense +1.
At the start of the fight, your Sap Heart character's gain 1 Healt Point.
Turns 1, 3 and 5: gain Chain if you play a Nature Spell.

Justification: Need to give some resistance


Modification: Gain chain if you play a Sap Heart item.
Until the game ends, your characters will get:
Attack +2 if one of them is a Beast, Defense +2 if one of them is Hom'Chai and their maximum Healt upgraded by 2 if one of them is Dais.
Turns 3 and more: Silikat deals an additional Attack that equal her printed Attack.

Justification: Important in a Multi-Sap deck.


Modification: Attack: 7/9, HP:14
Your Trackers have Attack +1 and your Tsoutai have Spirit +1.

Justification: it is not adapted to the current meta.

NekrosisOR in game.

I miei mazzi:

Katla Tornado AoE <3

Dernière édition par Bleach s5 le 28 Janvier 2014, 20:34, édité 2 fois.

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Message Publié : 22 Janvier 2014, 00:22 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:15
Message(s) : 1891
Modification: Ad "Race: Guemelian" and "Mage: One Elemental is healed 6 Hp.
Warrior: you have Atack +2 untill the end of the game"
Justification: Tis card is actually absolutelly a mess of time. With this it Will revive not only the card itself indeed the Elementals aswell.

Modification: Every time an Elemental get his Bonus Order he heal 2 Hp and one Stone heart of his Element is created and played.
Justification: Another out-of-date card. It will be very better like this.

Modification: One Wather or Wind Stone heart in your deck is atached to him at the begining of the game.
Justification: They are a really good card, but need a boost.

Modification: Atack and Spirit +1.
Justification: They are a really good card, but need a boost.

Modification: Make him a "Two branched evolution" Character. The ilustration of the second evolution Will be the second final evolution; that evolution Will be: Warrior, Abara, Human, Spirit=2 Atack=6/9 Def=4 HP=12, Every time you play Two cards: Sacrifice 1: All the Stone hearts atached to you will be reactivated.
Justification: Kalion it´s the most bizarre Character of the SL guild. He need sometihn like this.

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