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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 07 Février 2014, 10:57 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:58
Message(s) : 226
Wolvos a écrit :
well, they are going to mod some cards, but the damage is done, they have to fix the last 5 acts, but they still releasing bad cards

one of the last abara update, they put noroc! (LOL), long time before, cards with powerful effects were unique or had a real drawback, but they want to sell, so x3 of each card

slow decks can recicle every card of the discard, making some unique and poweful cards abusive, making some long and stupid games

warriors hitting harder than marauder
warriors healing more than priest

stupid counters, settlement of scores, the god of evil, eclipse, inmortal, centorium, isnt fun anymore to play against this cards

trackers, with derp cards

mages killing everything in 3 rounds or less

knowing of they work, im not sure if they are going to fix every single abusive card

people complained a lot about thunderstroke/menacing sky and settlement, but i think is easier for they nerfing thunderstroke than settlement, im sceptic, they just nerf according to the amount of QQs

cards like protection of the king priest, just watch it, it says op everywhere

eventually people get sick of being raped, we came here to have fun, not to suffer against not tested or bad designed cards

Amen to that. They have huge potential for this game. Then they started to focus on Eredan Arena or the new one Battle.GG. My reaction was... "what?!?!?! Another "new" game?"

Eredan iTCG has the greatest potential out of all of them. I'm sad it is more or less being abandoned now. Eventually, all of the good cards will dry out from the market == inflation as people will buy less boosters.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 07 Février 2014, 11:51 

Inscription : 22 Avril 2013, 01:00
Message(s) : 10
Wolvos a écrit :
well, they are going to mod some cards, but the damage is done, they have to fix the last 5 acts, but they still releasing bad cards

one of the last abara update, they put noroc! (LOL), long time before, cards with powerful effects were unique or had a real drawback, but they want to sell, so x3 of each card

slow decks can recicle every card of the discard, making some unique and poweful cards abusive, making some long and stupid games

warriors hitting harder than marauder
warriors healing more than priest

stupid counters, settlement of scores, the god of evil, eclipse, inmortal, centorium, isnt fun anymore to play against this cards

trackers, with derp cards

mages killing everything in 3 rounds or less

knowing of they work, im not sure if they are going to fix every single abusive card

people complained a lot about thunderstroke/menacing sky and settlement, but i think is easier for they nerfing thunderstroke than settlement, im sceptic, they just nerf according to the amount of QQs

cards like protection of the king priest, just watch it, it says op everywhere

eventually people get sick of being raped, we came here to have fun, not to suffer against not tested or bad designed cards

I agree 100% when will feerik fix the cards? and them lightning courts are so op, i lost in round 2 like wtf, lmao!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 07 Février 2014, 15:17 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:16
Message(s) : 70
Magius a écrit :
Amen to that. They have huge potential for this game. Then they started to focus on Eredan Arena or the new one Battle.GG. My reaction was... "what?!?!?! Another "new" game?"

Have you played Eredan Arena lately? That game is so unbalanced as hell. And it's only been over 3 months since its release. It seems like Feerik really doesn't know the meaning of balance. Or maybe they should change their business model and not think all the time on how to make money the fast way.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 07 Février 2014, 18:48 

Inscription : 22 Avril 2013, 01:00
Message(s) : 10
Al_vhin a écrit :
Magius a écrit :
Amen to that. They have huge potential for this game. Then they started to focus on Eredan Arena or the new one Battle.GG. My reaction was... "what?!?!?! Another "new" game?"

Have you played Eredan Arena lately? That game is so unbalanced as hell. And it's only been over 3 months since its release. It seems like Feerik really doesn't know the meaning of balance. Or maybe they should change their business model and not think all the time on how to make money the fast way.

They have a new game????? is it like eredan?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 07 Février 2014, 21:13 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
just a dice game

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 08 Février 2014, 00:06 

Inscription : 22 Avril 2013, 01:00
Message(s) : 10
Wolvos a écrit :

Lol i just joined, its fun as hell way more fun than eredan currently!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 08 Février 2014, 01:22 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 22:34
Message(s) : 606
And there's another game of Feerik.

Battle GG, similar of Eredan Arena.

-No importa que me encierres, me encontrarán. Te lo prometo Eredan, el tiempo pasará y un día mis más fieles seguidores vendrán a liberarme. Mi odio asolará de nuevo este mundo y todos serán mis esclavos.

Demonic Power...

[OFF] Dark Lunacy

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 18 Février 2014, 12:36 

Inscription : 08 Janvier 2014, 13:37
Message(s) : 6
Citer :
(this is my teory)

because of the card releases, i left the game 3 months, just because i got sick of stupid cards or decks, when i came again, nothing changed, because of that i decided to not play against dumb decks or bad players, i dont want to lose to 1 card, when the enemy made no effort to win

im a decent player, playing just for fun, i spent just the necessary in the game, and i still i have difficulties against some decks/cards

im wondering how the new/free players deal with that decks

i'm a new free player and the way i've come to deal with most of the decks i run into is to get pwned. Been farming adventure steadily since i started best drop i've had is a scourge two days or so after i started and have been trying to get the cards together to evolve him ever since at the current median rates i'm still nearly 150k crystal away from getting the last of the cards i've been able to price and haven't seen the corrupted axiom in the market at all to get an idea on it. I like Eredan the mechanics are good the players are mostly easy going and the cards have very unique graphics, but it is becoming tedious putting in work and seeing no gain. Spend weeks building the currency to buy the next card for your deck get excited about trying it out and then get pwned in 2 turns by a 10 year old kid with no skill and mom's credit card. It's enough to drive a man to the bottle. If you guys have any suggestions that might save some poor sap from having to clean up the left overs of my brains off the wall after a massive aneurism i'm glad to have them, otherwise sad as it is i may have tomove on soon for my own mental and physical health lol.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 05 Mars 2014, 04:38 

Inscription : 07 Décembre 2013, 08:31
Message(s) : 115
+1 @ Rodger_Dwiggins

Even the "Limited" Format of Quilingo needs a fistful of Rares/Legendaries to be competitive. The average FTP player just can't compete without either extremely lucky Boss Drops, a more open Marketplace or weeks of hard crystal grinding...

FTP needs to be able to buy cheap & sell high in the Market to get the necessary Crystals to buy the Rares they need for a deck to at least stay over 1500. Requiring Feez every 3 weeks to be able to sell is just ridiculous ( Even with the Free Feez videos it's a pain )...

Boss Drops? Make a 1 in 4 chance that the card dropped is Market "Sellable"...

Those 2 changes together would go a long way to help restore some balance for FTP...

My Wife calls me a "Pessimist"... I prefer the term "Cynical Realist"...

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 Sujet du message : Re: Wolvos's decks
Message Publié : 08 Mars 2014, 10:59 

Inscription : 08 Janvier 2014, 13:37
Message(s) : 6
I agree that would go a long way towards giving some power back to the player not the dollar. For me the free feez ads working at all would be a step up and in the right direction. I don't mind putting in a bit of effort to be competitive FTP i just want there to be a way in general.

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