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Message Publié : 27 Décembre 2014, 01:01 

Inscription : 16 Septembre 2013, 11:26
Message(s) : 33
Hey Guys,

This is my deck for the standard tournament, I've been getting destroyed by beatdown decks, i'm looking for a bit of input. Any replies are greatly appreciated.

Here's the deck:

Iron Mask

Corruption of the soul x 3 for magic damage and a corruption

Perversion x 3 Staple for defence and corruption

Demonic Portal x 3 if i come across demons

FireBall x 2 for more killing power

Demonophobia x 2 for healing and a nice little damage to go along with it

Vital syphoon x 2 more healing

Desolation of the heart x 2 keeping the corruptions in play

Revealing the secret x 3 another corruption

Nehant's presence a filler card.

pulling the strings another random card

so yeah, if you see any clear vaults or cards that suit the deck better please post an idea, thanks!!

Dernière édition par gold_dragon le 22 Janvier 2015, 18:51, édité 1 fois.

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Message Publié : 27 Décembre 2014, 11:01 

Inscription : 09 Novembre 2014, 22:15
Message(s) : 53
instead of fireball

I am not expert at Nehanists but this is for sure :)

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 27 Décembre 2014, 13:19 

Inscription : 16 Septembre 2013, 11:26
Message(s) : 33
Craig_Ramage a écrit :
instead of fireball

I am not expert at Nehanists but this is for sure :)

Thanks for the reply! i also seem to struggle doing damage against high spirit decks, would you be able to point me in the direction of any cards?

thanks again!

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