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 Sujet du message : just a bit frustrated
Message Publié : 29 Mars 2015, 12:27 

Inscription : 18 Mars 2015, 13:46
Message(s) : 1
I guess this is the best place to put this. I'm just feeling a bit frustrated with the game at this point. I quit the game a few years ago and came back recently. But I don't know how long I will stay with it at this pace. So here is what is on my mind and some thoughts on improving things.

Point one of frustration: Having to go on tournament or PVP mode to complete daily quest objectives. I often have to wait for an extended amount of time for another soul to even come on. Then there is the possibility that they won't want to battle me.

Point of frustration 2: LAG! When my system is barely keeping up with everything going on it is easy for the timer to run out before I have had nearly any thoughts on what to play. I usually have to choose an opponent's fighter at random just so I can get my selection in under the wire. Even then, I have had several games where I am clicking furiously on the continue with this selection button and still had you loose; took too long to decide.

NOTE:I understand the reason for the timer and I don't think it needs to be changed. I just get frustrated when I

Point of frustration 3: being labeled with "caution: this player's fair play level is low" because of point of frustration 2.

Point of frustration 4: the amount of time the animations take. Sometimes I really just want the game to play out faster.

So, what can be done about all this? I hate to post this kind of negative post about a great game with out some positive. So here goes; for me the easy solution is making PVE an option for the daily quest. Lag doesn't matter and it doesn't matter in the least if there is not another player on the game for hours.

An option (maybe a check box in one corner of the screen) for the animation speed would be nice. For PvP, it could be set to a default of the lowest setting that either player has. that way it does not mess with the timing of the game.

I would like to give a big thanks to the Developers for adding a single player mode. I do really appreciate that. One of the reasons I left the game in the first place was due to how long I sometimes had to wait to play a game when no one was around.

I would also like to thank the developers in general. This game is far more complicated (and interesting) than many of the other card games I have played on facebook.

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 Sujet du message : Re: just a bit frustrated
Message Publié : 30 Mars 2015, 20:11 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
long time ago the devs said they had no interest on speed up the animation

the disconnection is because the lack of server maintenance

about the game itself

the dessert like pvp is because of the reduction of the player base

the lack of player base is because of the bad decisions of staff

the bad decisions were because of the good profit

the good profit was because of the over powered releases

since 2013 wasnt a policy to fix this, they just stop the powercreep and released only new characters every week

in 2015 this is changing at least, we have to wait and see what happens

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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