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 Sujet du message : When did this happen?
Message Publié : 21 Mai 2015, 05:02 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 01:48
Message(s) : 5
Okay, I am a pretty fair veteran of the game. I have been playing since the Nehantists were introduced. And what do I remember? A game that was fair. What do I see now? A bunch of asinine cards and a bunch of old cards that were needlessly buffed up. There shouldn't be a reason for this. I am all for the game evolving and all that, but most of these "new" decks are just plain stupid and overpowered! ESPECIALLY when you throw new players in with the big level 50s and 60s and 80s that can deal out 50 damage in the first turn! When did this happen and why did it happen!? Why are there cards that are so stupidly overpowered now? Why isn't there a separate room for people with weaker decks?

I loved this game, but now this is at the point where I don't even TRY anymore unless I face someone with a deck that is about equal power. I start a match with someone who uses Noz mages? No point. Ourenos? No point. Zil assassins with those stupid magic damage cards? No point! And I have the means and the crystals to build these godly decks if I wanted to. But unlike some people, I want diversity. I don't want to play the same deck over and over and over and over and over until I am smacking my head off the monitor just to give myself the SENSE of something different.

There are cards in this game that could use the boost and improvement because they were relatively useless beforehand. That I can agree with. But some of these cards were just improved too much...

I joined this game initially on a whim. Just a random game that looked like it would be fun, so I do that, and you know what? It WAS fun! It was pretty balanced, a couple of deck combinations were tricky but not insurmountable. Just required certain tact for them. And it was FUN! But now, you either need to build a deck that shotguns immediately or you get crushed. That is not fun in the slightest. I liked this game because it was fun, the fights took their time and built suspense. Some decks depended on just plain damage while others depended on equipment and snowballing techniques, and in a way I guess they still kind of are, but this is just insane.

I don't want to join a game with some Noz units and watch them chain like 9-10 cards against me. HOW IS THAT FUN!? "There are cards to counter it." But not for every deck! Contrary to popular belief, not all of us want to populate our decks with the exact same cards. Some cards were understandable, but just, why? Why did this game change so radically and so stupidly?

Why do we have to suffer through these overpowered decks? Not everybody can afford to buy the perfect cards to counter these decks. In the end all they do is just sit and watch while they get completely and utterly destroyed. I bore witness to this before, fight someone who recently got introduced into the main room and he just sat and watched when he knew it was over, played no cards, just watched me beat him because his deck was lacking.

Okay, enough of the ranting, now for why I am ranting. Years ago, I liked to play (for example) the Berkserkers. They were weak against some decks, strong against others, but recently I just tried them, and I lost to someone who was level 16 using these "Abara" cards. And again against pretty much every other deck. The Berserkers were a fun deck to play back then, but now there just isn't any possible way for them to be decent without having a fortune and a bunch of asinine cards...

Same can be said for more... classic, decks from the Nehantists. Or Pirates. Or any guild in all honesty...


In all honesty, I would be fine with these changes, IF THEY GAVE US SEPARATE ROOMS! If you are going to have such drastic changes and such radical cards added to the game, why not add separate rooms?

Example, why do the new players get their own room to play in then suddenly they get thrown into the colosseum with all the lions and hardened warriors?

I loved this game. It was my favourite game to play. And now I still TRY to play it. And I truly mean TRY, because actually playing it is near impossible nowadays. The only place where I can get some sense of fairness and fun is in the Lucyan tournament.

So why can't we have these separate rooms? Why can't you give us a list of rooms with specific rules? In a similar fashion as the tournaments? Why can't we have a room that restricts legendary and event and trophy cards? Why can't we have a room that restricts decks to the classic 20 card limit? Why can't we have a room where old players who haven't caught up or new players that don't know what they are doing can get together and have a safe place to practice their builds with people that have similarly scaled decks?

Or hey, even have a room where all the base health of the characters is doubled just to try and counter these stupid new combos?

Or at the very least add a room that bows to the public opinion on rules. Maybe give them a place where they can vote on what cards should be banned from the room and have the top 100 cards banned from decks entering the room. To AT LEAST give the players a sense of fairness.

One of the more significant changes I personally remember was the extra cards added to decks. Originally it used to be 3 characters and ONLY a 20 card limit, and that was great. Increasing the cap to 50 was good too, gave us more things to work on, but I miss the 20 card limit because it forced us to focus on tactics. We had to build balanced. 20 card limit resulted in some fun build and variations on popular decks. It would be nice to have a room for that, but in all honesty, just something to give us a chance to catch up away without being trampled.

Such are my two cents. I love this game, I truly do, it was so much fun before, but now it is just no fun. I leave games more than I play now because I already know how it will end and I don't feel like wasting a few minutes on it. Something needs to be done about this, because it is just... stupid now.

Give us a place to work on things without worrying about being destroyed, please.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 21 Mai 2015, 08:38 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
you can see by yourself, here in the forum what happened

this is a desert, the english forum wasnt the most populed one, but became this a graveyard

-if you werent here when this happened i can tell you: this doesnt happened in a blink of an eye, it took acts full of mistakes

-leveling means no big deal from our hard road to reach 20's, when you saw a 20 or 21 you know you were screwed ( :P ), now you can level up faster with a lot of buffs

-new rooms isnt the correct answer and it cant be implemented, because we lack of players and the rules could be worse than the decease we want to remove

some time ago i thought it would be a great idea (because of abusive cards released) then we should ban them like they do it in tournaments, this is a good point, but this is pointless for the staff, the card can be purchased but not used
that was the good point for us, the players
the bad point for us, are which cards should be banned (outside the OP) trophies, event cards shouldnt, some of them arent op, some of them have an unique effect, you cant ban everyone, and now you have a way to get them for free (or hard work), if we remove sentence, the only way to deal with abusive heals, or dissidence the only "democratic" card to stop the abusive GUILD cards the new room could be full of priest (or heals [inmortals, chimera, paladin's hammer, mercy]) or being owned with the guild cards, the most powerful cards normally have a guild

if you want to create "democratic rooms" could be the same problem, a room with a 51% of abusive players wont vote to ban their own decks

-about berserkers, they are just the wrong example, they are outdated, you cant compare an optimal deck of act 5 against act 10's new flavor (abaras)

-the only thing you can do if your deck hasnt even a slim chance to win is boycott, because some decks deserve it, im not agree with this, but is the only choice because nobody else cared about normal room, i found a overpopulation of elfine decks (act 10), multirace sap hearts (act 4), homchais (act 10) zil priest (act 6), direct damage demons (act 5), runic warriors (act 7), 1x3 characters and more
the only way to stop abusive players (not abusive decks) is the boycott, they wont stop "farming" normal room

as you i love this "random" game, since i played with the pack, some random characters of different classes and castes together, i love the mechanics, the art and the badass style of different castes, but powercreep was big enough to force me to take a break for while, i stopped because the lack of joy losing a game, winning a game, they were just a player steamrolling another player

we want this game back, and the last event show us there are players who want to return, but they need proofs of improvement or new things to do

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 21 Mai 2015, 23:29 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 01:48
Message(s) : 5
Wolvos a écrit :
you can see by yourself, here in the forum what happened

this is a desert, the english forum wasnt the most populed one, but became this a graveyard

-if you werent here when this happened i can tell you: this doesnt happened in a blink of an eye, it took acts full of mistakes

-leveling means no big deal from our hard road to reach 20's, when you saw a 20 or 21 you know you were screwed ( :P ), now you can level up faster with a lot of buffs

-new rooms isnt the correct answer and it cant be implemented, because we lack of players and the rules could be worse than the decease we want to remove

some time ago i thought it would be a great idea (because of abusive cards released) then we should ban them like they do it in tournaments, this is a good point, but this is pointless for the staff, the card can be purchased but not used
that was the good point for us, the players
the bad point for us, are which cards should be banned (outside the OP) trophies, event cards shouldnt, some of them arent op, some of them have an unique effect, you cant ban everyone, and now you have a way to get them for free (or hard work), if we remove sentence, the only way to deal with abusive heals, or dissidence the only "democratic" card to stop the abusive GUILD cards the new room could be full of priest (or heals [inmortals, chimera, paladin's hammer, mercy]) or being owned with the guild cards, the most powerful cards normally have a guild

if you want to create "democratic rooms" could be the same problem, a room with a 51% of abusive players wont vote to ban their own decks

-about berserkers, they are just the wrong example, they are outdated, you cant compare an optimal deck of act 5 against act 10's new flavor (abaras)

-the only thing you can do if your deck hasnt even a slim chance to win is boycott, because some decks deserve it, im not agree with this, but is the only choice because nobody else cared about normal room, i found a overpopulation of elfine decks (act 10), multirace sap hearts (act 4), homchais (act 10) zil priest (act 6), direct damage demons (act 5), runic warriors (act 7), 1x3 characters and more
the only way to stop abusive players (not abusive decks) is the boycott, they wont stop "farming" normal room

as you i love this "random" game, since i played with the pack, some random characters of different classes and castes together, i love the mechanics, the art and the badass style of different castes, but powercreep was big enough to force me to take a break for while, i stopped because the lack of joy losing a game, winning a game, they were just a player steamrolling another player

we want this game back, and the last event show us there are players who want to return, but they need proofs of improvement or new things to do

I used the Berserkers as an example because there was a point where they were one of the more powerful decks in the game but had obvious weaknesses that could be exploited by a well built deck. Not the greatest example on the planet, but still, I think it is asinine that the only deck that gives me a fighting chance is my deck with Kaes the Malevolent, and ONLY because he can pump out so much damage so quickly. It was an overpowered card when it came out, but even that is at the point where it is just pure luck just because of how powerful these newer decks are.

Sure, there were some cheap decks before, and yeah, I definitely used them. I built a dragon knight deck that allowed me to equip the Paladin's Hammer to Arkalon and the Chimera to Ardrakar and I had a couple of Steal cards there as well to counter the massive amount of Craftsmen decks that were flooding the room at the time. It was a cheap deck, sure, but it was something that was fun to play and play against with the right deck because I built it solely for countering those golems.

As of right now, the most powerful deck I have (that is still only going at 30% win rate) is Priestess Jane, Deirf Geiss, and Vixen, and only because I put a savage cloak on Jane and give the priest class to the other two and either spam heals or debuffs with the assistance of Good Omen. It is a fun deck, but still difficult to play. We really shouldn't have to resort to spamming heals or HOPING we get a legendary card to try and fix this.

Tempus could be a potential example here as well, it was fun, it was the deck I originally started with after I got bored of Lucyan and Shana and all those other basic cards. Starting the game off, those basic parts of The Eternal were nice and cheap and Area Control and Celerity were cheap as well, quick and easy deck to play and pretty fun to utilise. But here we are, they changed a couple of the cards, not necessarily for the better. In my opinion Tempus is really stupidly overpowered now because of his new abilities. Celerity was a change for the better in my opinion, except for the +2 alteration in the attack bonus, the attack bonus should have stayed normal because that +2 makes it seem cheaper.

I could literally nitpick at this game for hours. Chimera used to be 45,000. Kounok used to 10,000. The Eternal used to be 10,000. Aging used to be about 40,000. All these ramped up prices. But it is to be expected as cards are removed from the new packs and slowly becoming harder to obtain.

I always hated demon decks that dealt with direct damage. I ESPECIALLY hated decks that targeted your hand and stopped you from drawing, my first game in the Amnezy tournament after my year long hiatus and I run into a deck that effectively kept me from drawing any cards for 6 TURNS STRAIGHT.

I would happily deal with Zil priests and their sneaky crap, but that older Nehantist deck is a pain, one of the decks I never liked playing or playing against, I always hated that. But abara take it to a new level. They let you draw, but they quickly remove your cards too. Those new cards are asinine in their base stats and the fact that they don't need to wait for a turn, they are just always active! If any deck broke the game for me, it would have to be the Abara deck. I run into a Noz mage deck? Fine, I've been running into them for years and they are all about the same, only thing that changed is that they just deal more damage now.

I partially am boycotting the game, to a degree, I see somebody play a legendary card, I'm done with it. IF someone uses a legendary character, it isn't fair, but at the same time, neither is using the event characters. So that I am used to, but these cards for events, and these legendary cards like Machiavellism, are just irritating.

On a side note, I am seeing the same thing with the Arena game, but I am not even going to bother, just the same characters over and over on there, and at least on that game everybody has a fair chance of acquiring the cards.

All I know is that this game needs an overhaul. Or some kind of system implemented. Even a rule restricted room to fix out some decks and have the normal room without it. The reasons the players are abusive is because they are given the freedom to be abusive. Let them abuse each other and leave the people that need to catch up or learn be on their own with their own devices.

Heck, give me a day and I could probably comprise a list of cards that should be banned for a new room, which will be rejected, but still something that could be considered because this game has really gone down. It just isn't fun anymore.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 22 Mai 2015, 15:59 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657
There already are some lists in the card suggestion section, that are still OP and need to be nerfed ...

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 06:34 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 16:28
Message(s) : 34
You put in the table a clear example of bad design and administration of a very nice game. As you say, Eredan ITGC has a lot of potential but right now Im pretty sure is destined to fall.

The powercreep is a natural phenomenon of all ITGC but... in eredan teh effect is too much. I dont find a real answer to the point we reach, I strongly believe that designers are rushed to the wrong way.

Is better say good bye to this game and remember the good time of the past.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 16:58 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
It is not a bad idea to create a room with special ban list (and tournament with same list, too) but how are you planning to decide, if the card is broken or not?

Runic catapult, Secret rituals, Runic training - which of them, for example? And at least one should be - runics are very powerfull! Same with noz mages, zil marauders, Elfinies, Ourenos decks, undeads?

Maybe it would be better for staff to create a separate branch of the forum, where anyone could post his suggestions on modification cards, then create some interrogation to decide the final version of the nerf and than implement it in the game. But it is very hard, and some cheaters could rise their heads to help themselves.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 17:34 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
this will never happen... because the staff CANNOT see which card is overpowered or not... for just a single reason

no matter which player will say this card is too strong or this needs a nerf, these opinions are simply subjectivly made... a zil player will always shout at too high defense while a sap player will always say mages are OP... for example many ppl may say that menancing sky is OP but play it yourself and you may find decks that beat you down fairly easy... in your point of view the sky wont be OP anymore...

what MAKES OP in Eredan is the combination of cards and char abilities... so banning this and that card wont help anything unless you break OP combinations

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 20:32 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
my apologies before the text wall ;P

creating new rooms isnt the answer, again

i dont have sentence, priest are op

i dont have settlement of scores, mages are op

cant hit abaras, nerf their def

and so....

could you ban everything is wrong? today y lost a game with the destroyed lightning pirates, got owned by 1 teslarm, another game, anti lightning mystic slayer, what's the point? why i would play for fun (or questing in an event) if i cant win before the game even started?

menacing sky cant be nerfed right know nor in the future, the deck has 6 regular nukes (9 with menacing sky generated cards)

check similar strategies, tsoutais, world tree, they can stack their cards for 2 or more fights or forever, lightning you have only 2 rounds for the combo

tsou/world tree: great buffs damage outputs, they can win against most of the best anti mage cards (with physical attacks or equipped cards)

lightning: buffs until the end of the fight

actually if you nerf sky you destroy the pieces of this deck
unfair cards (event, trophies)

not every trophie/event are unfair, if you want to ignore everyone of this players, go ahead ignore them, you think legendaries win games, i would say -some- legendary characters win games, but the rest just improves a bit the gameplay of the deck, i would say cards like ancestral wrath, or living brances could win a game, you just complain against the p2w of a few op p2w cards

nehant shield int gamebreaking evertime you face it
sentences means a dead card against marauders and mages in general, etc
abaras play with high defense, talking about defense, you have a lot of tools against that, the sick one is the discard abara, not the defense stack one, and even with that, if you focus that deck only in physical defense you will lose in 3rd round against mages
Calandra a écrit :
this will never happen... because the staff CANNOT see which card is overpowered or not... for just a single reason

actually, there is no objective point of view, but thats not how nerfs happen
if a deck could literally win 100% of times, that would be called a op deck

you have a deck, winner of the amnezy tournament every single week, what's going wrong? no updates for alternative tier 1 decks? op deck?
noz blast was top in amnezy... then glyps, an indirect nerf

in act 8, everyone complained against thunderstroke, got nerfed, still complaining against the 1 shot courtier lightning
in act 9, everyone complained against the new menacing sky deck, act 11 got nerfed the wrong card

indeed lightning "where" "op" even before of the release of thunderstroke, and after TS's nerf
nothing changed in act 8, thanks to izandra was easy to 1 shot any deck with attracts lightning and STO

act 11 people still complaining even with: thunderking, teslarms, master mystic slayer, settlement of scores, dissidence, deflecion, dark stone heart, a lot more of "ignore the next spell/card" cards
and now glyphs

sure maybe lightning is a noob killer, but with 1 or 2 toolbox cards (which are useful even against non-lightning decks) this deck is a joke
tempus were trash since dilemma's nerf: everyone complained against them with the "i got owned because double dilemma in fight 1" instead of understand what happened: you have a slow deck and/or that opening is the perfect opening, any aggro deck could one shot tempus playing dilemma (a card with no defensive effects) you see tsoutais (again) every cards protect your character over time

now we have a competitive mage deck and again people get crazy, tempus can easly skipp rounds, so, why anyone would be mad against ilfana if they can skip almost every order bonus since the first fight?

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 22:34 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 01:48
Message(s) : 5
Calandra a écrit :
this will never happen... because the staff CANNOT see which card is overpowered or not... for just a single reason

no matter which player will say this card is too strong or this needs a nerf, these opinions are simply subjectivly made... a zil player will always shout at too high defense while a sap player will always say mages are OP... for example many ppl may say that menancing sky is OP but play it yourself and you may find decks that beat you down fairly easy... in your point of view the sky wont be OP anymore...

what MAKES OP in Eredan is the combination of cards and char abilities... so banning this and that card wont help anything unless you break OP combinations

Banning particular cards can break these overpowered chains. You are right, the staff cannot see the OP cards, or they would not have made them in the first place to such a powerful degree. That is why they should implement a system that allows democracy over banned cards. Give a room that bans all Event, trophy, and legendary cards, then give the rest of the players freedom to pick and choose cards that should be banned so they can vote, and then ban those odd numbered cards (1, 3, 5, 197, 199 for example) then rotate the banned cards every few days to alternate deck builds, let everybody vote on the most powerful cards in the game, maybe cycle it until we have 200 cards chosen amongst the majority and then cycle between the odd and even numbers. That is probably the only solution I can see to this issue in particular, but there are many ways to fix it. Or even if they had a room that just alternated between Acts. One day only Act 1 cards are allowed. Another day only Act 7 cards are allowed. Or something along those lines.

Bottom line, they NEED to keep one room reserved for earlier acts for people to test out and dip their toes into various decks as they see fit.

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 Sujet du message : Re: When did this happen?
Message Publié : 23 Mai 2015, 23:02 

Inscription : 10 Mai 2013, 01:48
Message(s) : 5
Wolvos a écrit :
my apologies before the text wall ;P

creating new rooms isnt the answer, again

i dont have sentence, priest are op

i dont have settlement of scores, mages are op

cant hit abaras, nerf their def

and so....

could you ban everything is wrong? today y lost a game with the destroyed lightning pirates, got owned by 1 teslarm, another game, anti lightning mystic slayer, what's the point? why i would play for fun (or questing in an event) if i cant win before the game even started?

menacing sky cant be nerfed right know nor in the future, the deck has 6 regular nukes (9 with menacing sky generated cards)

check similar strategies, tsoutais, world tree, they can stack their cards for 2 or more fights or forever, lightning you have only 2 rounds for the combo

tsou/world tree: great buffs damage outputs, they can win against most of the best anti mage cards (with physical attacks or equipped cards)

lightning: buffs until the end of the fight

actually if you nerf sky you destroy the pieces of this deck
unfair cards (event, trophies)

not every trophie/event are unfair, if you want to ignore everyone of this players, go ahead ignore them, you think legendaries win games, i would say -some- legendary characters win games, but the rest just improves a bit the gameplay of the deck, i would say cards like ancestral wrath, or living brances could win a game, you just complain against the p2w of a few op p2w cards

nehant shield int gamebreaking evertime you face it
sentences means a dead card against marauders and mages in general, etc
abaras play with high defense, talking about defense, you have a lot of tools against that, the sick one is the discard abara, not the defense stack one, and even with that, if you focus that deck only in physical defense you will lose in 3rd round against mages
Calandra a écrit :
this will never happen... because the staff CANNOT see which card is overpowered or not... for just a single reason

actually, there is no objective point of view, but thats not how nerfs happen
if a deck could literally win 100% of times, that would be called a op deck

you have a deck, winner of the amnezy tournament every single week, what's going wrong? no updates for alternative tier 1 decks? op deck?
noz blast was top in amnezy... then glyps, an indirect nerf

in act 8, everyone complained against thunderstroke, got nerfed, still complaining against the 1 shot courtier lightning
in act 9, everyone complained against the new menacing sky deck, act 11 got nerfed the wrong card

indeed lightning "where" "op" even before of the release of thunderstroke, and after TS's nerf
nothing changed in act 8, thanks to izandra was easy to 1 shot any deck with attracts lightning and STO

act 11 people still complaining even with: thunderking, teslarms, master mystic slayer, settlement of scores, dissidence, deflecion, dark stone heart, a lot more of "ignore the next spell/card" cards
and now glyphs

sure maybe lightning is a noob killer, but with 1 or 2 toolbox cards (which are useful even against non-lightning decks) this deck is a joke
tempus were trash since dilemma's nerf: everyone complained against them with the "i got owned because double dilemma in fight 1" instead of understand what happened: you have a slow deck and/or that opening is the perfect opening, any aggro deck could one shot tempus playing dilemma (a card with no defensive effects) you see tsoutais (again) every cards protect your character over time

now we have a competitive mage deck and again people get crazy, tempus can easly skipp rounds, so, why anyone would be mad against ilfana if they can skip almost every order bonus since the first fight?

The high defense is easy to fight against for varied decks, my biggest issue is the Abara having the high defence on turn one and the abilities that are just always active. Especially when you fight one that just spawns 4 magic mines every time he fights. That is easy to counter too, with the appropriated deck, but in the long run it is impossible to play against it with any other decks. If you try to play a classic deck nowadays, there really isn't any point to it at all.

My suggestion regarding event cards and legendary cards and trophy cards wasn't for the "OP" aspect, it was because most new players or most players that went on a hiatus from the game and need to catch up don't have these cards and it is unfair to utilize them. They should all be on even ground. And I said originally that I was fine with most Legendary characters. In fact, legendary characters are a lot easier to fight against than most normal characters because people play them and expect that one character to win the game for them and it causes negligence on their part. My issue is, again, that other players don't have them. Not all of them are OP, but they do have effects that are still unfair to the newer players or the players that only want to experiment. I suppose one argument can be made that we can experiment in the adventure mode, but that is a pain to do as well once you run out of energy, not to mention that a lot of the adventure mode missions are built to be overpowered and you want to test against real decks, not ones that were buffed or debuffed for the sole purpose of being a challenge or being easy specifically.

My issue with those cards is that only so many people can attain them, and ONLY IF they were there during the event. Other ones either need to spend money to buy trophies or packs, or PRAY that they get enough medallions in the tournament modes to buy one of the event cards. And even then, what if they get an event card that is useless? They STILL need to spend money on f'eez to try their luck again. I want event cards, trophy cards, and legendary cards banned in a certain room because this room should be a room for all people to have fun and experiment with builds with cards that EVERYBODY has access to without spending asinine amounts of money and hoping they have the luck for it.

But you are right, there are some cards that when nerfed or modified or banned would completely wreck a deck and throw it into absolutely nothing. Well if not the cards then, why not the deck? Why not have the room impose a rule that restricts, say, only 1 class per deck? 1 marauder, 1 berserker, 1 priest, mage, warrior. Why not do something like that?

They can keep their current room without the rules where those abusive players can go and abuse each other, but if they added two rooms, a room that allowed only low level cards and decks for experimentation and new players, and maybe another room that cycled rules every couple days or so, it would be worthwhile I think. Maybe on day only 1 copy of any card in the deck? Merc decks are only allowed one Good Omen. Demon decks only allowed one Demonic Cloud or Black Chimera. The list goes on, there are so many rules that could be implemented and cycled just for the sake of fairness among EVERYBODY.

The amount of possibilities for a room like that are massive, and there are so many rules and bans and limitations that could be dealt with to counteract all of these:
Only 1 copy of any card.
1 class limits.
Only 1 character from a caste.
Force them to have 1 mercenary.
20 card deck limit.
10 guild cards only.
Only 1 caste allowed.

Just off the top of my head those on their own could help to counteract a lot of these abusive players and make it fair. To a degree. There are still lots of cards that just on their own can change the tide of a match. Maybe even alter the prospects to ban particular cards:
No healing cards.
No direct damage cards.
No cards that affects hands.
No cards that affect out of combat characters.
No cards that affect the discard pile.

There are so many rules that could be used and cycled from day to day that could make the game worth playing again. If they insist on having these asinine cards.

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