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 Sujet du message : Nehant Shield
Message Publié : 30 Mai 2017, 15:37 
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Inscription : 20 Février 2013, 13:28
Message(s) : 200
Reproducibility: Tested it more than 20 times.

- does not start attached to either of my warriors characters if another card (not a shield) is attached to them in the beginning of the match.
I have 2 runic (1 warrior) and 1 merc (warrior) character.
- Secret Rituals and Walikaktu's Offspring start attached to them.
- If Secret Rituals starts attached to the non-warrior runic, then Nehant Shield attaches to the other runic warrior.
- If Secret Rituals starts attached to the runic-warrior, then Nehant Shield is not attached and starts in my deck.
- The shield never starts attached to the merc warrior character who has the offspring attached.

Lâmina Mística - Lucyan

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 Sujet du message : Re: Nehant Shield
Message Publié : 31 Mai 2017, 00:28 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:04
Message(s) : 1524
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I reported it.

Guild Leader of the Nehantists
And it seems we weren't prepared... for a game that wasn't fair. Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, there is one thing we can do. Let's just live!
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 Sujet du message : Re: Nehant Shield
Message Publié : 21 Juin 2017, 13:56 
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Inscription : 20 Février 2013, 13:28
Message(s) : 200
It is already fixed.

Thank you for reporting it @DeKiller.

Lâmina Mística - Lucyan

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