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 Sujet du message : Intelligence Operations
Message Publié : 07 Septembre 2017, 14:59 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83

Duration 3 turns. Chain Marauder card.
When another "Intelligence Operations" is played made Initiative roll without changing Initiative player. If you lose, discard this card, else newer card is ignored.
Next time when opponent remove one or more your cards from stack or ones of yours characters, ignore that effect. If it caused by a card, remove that card from the game and discard this, if it is caused by a character that effect cannot trigger again as long this card remains in play.
Courier: Also from discard pile and hand.
Marauder: Initiative +2 then reroll Initiative.
Strange, it's looks like someone remove obstacles from our way.


Discrupt discard card with drawbacks:
one for one,
Gae Bolga attached to opponent still can be discarded safety,
multiple Intelligence Operations does not work,
more universal only for couriers, but removing cards from deck still is working

And upwards:
universal: Counter lot diffrent remove cards effects,
basicly work for yours cards until you attach them to opponent,
Chain benefit for cooperate with yours Intelligence (non-Marauder character may gain it when play his/her Class-Marauder cards),
For intelligence agent chance to be decisive durning next turn and better chance to counter next opposing "Intelligence Operations".

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