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 Sujet du message : Other games
Message Publié : 14 Septembre 2013, 05:11 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Right, wonder how fast this will be locked. Not that it should warrant locking. Moved maybe but don't think it should be locked.

Noticing a trend with Eredan. Just about any time a name of another game comes up, it gets censored or locked. Yeah, Feerik should be allowed to do what they want on the forums, but really? Can we not talk about any other game but Eredan, even in the OFFTOPIC section? We can't even compare what we like about Eredan to other card games for this fear. Seriously, pretending other games don't exist seems awfully egotistical of Feerik. Besides, if the game is 'so good' with so many 'millions of players', why should they fear losing just a few handfuls of players to game X?

To those that see it, your thoughts? Oh and to now give a reason for this topic to be locked.

"Have you guys heard of game X? It's really fun!"

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 16 Septembre 2013, 14:35 

Inscription : 22 Mars 2013, 02:47
Message(s) : 54
MerlinCross a écrit :
Right, wonder how fast this will be locked. Not that it should warrant locking. Moved maybe but don't think it should be locked.

Noticing a trend with Eredan. Just about any time a name of another game comes up, it gets censored or locked. Yeah, Feerik should be allowed to do what they want on the forums, but really? Can we not talk about any other game but Eredan, even in the OFFTOPIC section? We can't even compare what we like about Eredan to other card games for this fear. Seriously, pretending other games don't exist seems awfully egotistical of Feerik. Besides, if the game is 'so good' with so many 'millions of players', why should they fear losing just a few handfuls of players to game X?

To those that see it, your thoughts? Oh and to now give a reason for this topic to be locked.

"Have you guys heard of game X? It's really fun!"

I bear the same sentiments Merlin. Although this is the first I've read that Eredan is blocking/removing posts regarding other games even here in the "Off-Topic" thread. That seems, as you've said, "egotistical". I totally agree. I've been trying out this other game, just pm me if you want to know. It goes by the letters "SE". =D I'm also waiting for the release of "HS". Now let's see how long it takes before my comment goes down. Ahahaha.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 16 Septembre 2013, 17:36 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
If you want to speak about another game, go to this other game boards or on an external board.

The rules forbid to discuss about another games (especially if it's an online card game).
This rule will be applied in the future as it has been done in the past until Feerik changes his mind (And I don't think this will happen in the next future).

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 18 Septembre 2013, 08:16 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Zurga a écrit :
If you want to speak about another game, go to this other game boards or on an external board.

The rules forbid to discuss about another games (especially if it's an online card game).
This rule will be applied in the future as it has been done in the past until Feerik changes his mind (And I don't think this will happen in the next future).

But I would very much like to talk to friends that I have made here about said non-existing game. And what possible ideas Feerik might learn/borrow from said non-card, non-existing game.

I have yet to encounter this type of censoring on other game boards, even the ones that have very die hard fans that move to crush any talk of any other game being just as good or 'better'. Now, I could understand said censoring if it was done to keep things like this from happening(you have no idea how much I would enjoy this on two boards for big name 'MOBA' games).

But given that I don't see any real die hard defenders of Eredan, I just don't think such an event would happen. I understand the rule, but not the reasoning behind it. Besides "We can".

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 18 Septembre 2013, 16:45 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
If you jump to the suggestion part, you will see that others games have been named, especially to indicate what is good in there and could be brought here.

A thread in the off-topic section to discuss of any others games is just like you go to a concert and at you jump on the stage to take the micro and saying that another singer is just awesome.
I'm not sure this will be really appreciated by the performers on stage....

If you find the other game worst than this one, you will never mention it here. At least, you find the other game as good as this one to mention it and try to have others players playing with you.
This is why there is no reason you open a thread to discuss about another game in theses boards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 18 Septembre 2013, 21:11 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Zurga a écrit :
If you jump to the suggestion part, you will see that others games have been named, especially to indicate what is good in there and could be brought here.

A thread in the off-topic section to discuss of any others games is just like you go to a concert and at you jump on the stage to take the micro and saying that another singer is just awesome.
I'm not sure this will be really appreciated by the performers on stage....

If you find the other game worst than this one, you will never mention it here. At least, you find the other game as good as this one to mention it and try to have others players playing with you.
This is why there is no reason you open a thread to discuss about another game in theses boards.

And if I jump to the suggestion, I would expect to see no games named, just "oairuaoija" or whatever the censor decides to put there. And how can there be no reason to talk about another game, if we are trying to take suggestions from said game that isn't allowed to be named? I'm confused by your thought process.

And I would agree about the band being mad that someone came up on stage and sang a song done by another band(News Section). But if someone was humming another tune in line to get food or a T-shirt(Offtopic) I don't think they'd be angry.

I get the rule. Don't understand the logic. That's all I'm saying.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 31 Octobre 2013, 23:46 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:56
Message(s) : 243
Gravedig, I know but I would like to check with something.

We can not talk about other games. But with E. Arena being at the top of the screen and belonging to the company of Feerik, can we actually TALK about it without getting censored? Or is there going to be a separate forum for it?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Other games
Message Publié : 01 Novembre 2013, 13:15 
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Inscription : 29 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 3537
You can speak about Feerik games.

I have no information about an official forum for Eredan Arena.

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