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Message Publié : 27 Mars 2014, 23:36 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:06
Message(s) : 238
Al_vhin a écrit :
Nurvus a écrit :
Encouraging mission spam is not a good idea.

What are you even talking about? Having no replay option doesn't stopped mission spam and putting one doesn't encourage it either. Putting a replay option is just for convenient purposes only because you can still spam missions w/ 3 clicks away instead of 1 w/ a replay button. It doesn't stopped me from doing adventure it just bugs me that I have to go back, choose that mission again, then click yes instead of just clicking replay.

And your suggestion is out of topic.

My suggestion is my ON-TOPIC answer to your suggestion.
I say my opinion on YOUR topic.
Then I say WHY.
Then I offer an alternative.

It's called constructive criticism. I'm sorry if you're unfamiliar with it.

There already is mission spam.
Adding a replay button only "reinforces" the spam.
The spam should be REMOVED.

My suggestion does 2 things:
1 - Killing a Boss should feel awesome, and reward you awesomely.
So I suggest doubling the cost and reward.
2 - It makes a loss less penalizing. Since you would get half the Energy spent back.

Suggestions: Rank, Elite and Ranked Elite Stats | AoE vs Greater Stats | Fairplay Sollution | Overcards

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Message Publié : 28 Mars 2014, 20:34 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
WOW, just wow. I know you're stupid but this takes it to a whole new level. I believe you should stop over complicating everything.

1. The guy just wants a button that makes it so he doesn't have to press 3 button to do the same thing which is IMO a good idea.

2. Constructive Criticism isn't just showing the bad in the idea, which this idea doesn't have, but also pointing out the good.

3. Just because you believe PvP should be encouraged doesn't mean we have to follow suit. Some people want PvE, if they want to spam a mission who are you to stop them?

4. Your idea isn't about a button being added so you are off topic.

5. Your idea is horrible. If you remember that we only get a 60 max energy then giving bosses a 46 energy cost means that you have to spend money to do PvE, which is awful. Also if they double the reward we probably just get more commons that we can't use.

ANYWAYS. Back to the topic, this is a good idea +1!

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Message Publié : 30 Mars 2014, 04:21 

Inscription : 07 Décembre 2013, 08:31
Message(s) : 115
"Replay Mission", "Next Mission" buttons + a bonus if you complete the whole campaign in order without a loss or draw...

For the bonus? The Boss only drops an Uncommon or Rare... No Favors/Runes/XP Destiny...

My Wife calls me a "Pessimist"... I prefer the term "Cynical Realist"...

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Message Publié : 31 Mars 2014, 04:01 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:06
Message(s) : 238
Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
WOW, just wow. I know you're stupid but this takes it to a whole new level. I believe you should stop over complicating everything.

1. The guy just wants a button that makes it so he doesn't have to press 3 button to do the same thing which is IMO a good idea.

In itself, it's a good idea.
But I do not approve of it because it encourages Feerik to NOT do anything about the Mission spam - which IS bad.

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
2. Constructive Criticism isn't just showing the bad in the idea, which this idea doesn't have, but also pointing out the good.
Constructive Criticism isn't showing anything. It's discussing whether it is good or not, feasible or not, practical or not, and if possible help improve the idea.

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
3. Just because you believe PvP should be encouraged doesn't mean we have to follow suit. Some people want PvE, if they want to spam a mission who are you to stop them?

This is ironic coming from someone who called me stupid.
I said double cost AND reward = you get the same loot in half the time. Less time spent clicking buttons. No need for a "replay" button.

The OP suggested something to improve the Adventure Mode.
I'm saying the adventure mode needs to be fixed before it is improved.

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
4. Your idea isn't about a button being added so you are off topic.

My idea is about how the button isn't needed if the adventure mode stops being a pointless spam.
Doing Boss twice and getting SHIT twice is horrible and boring.

Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
5. Your idea is horrible. If you remember that we only get a 60 max energy then giving bosses a 46 energy cost means that you have to spend money to do PvE, which is awful. Also if they double the reward we probably just get more commons that we can't use.

Again the irony...
I said double reward AND cost -> same energy:reward ratio; less time spent spamming; no need for "replay".

Suggestions: Rank, Elite and Ranked Elite Stats | AoE vs Greater Stats | Fairplay Sollution | Overcards

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 03 Avril 2014, 18:55 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Add Replay Mission button on non-boss missions

Feel free to re read the title Nurvus.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 04 Avril 2014, 19:38 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:49
Message(s) : 569
Localisation : East, always into the east. . .
so any word from the devs if they are gonna add this simple button?

Every 5 seconds a prinny is thrown.

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Message Publié : 05 Avril 2014, 06:07 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:06
Message(s) : 238
Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
Add Replay Mission button on non-boss missions

Feel free to re read the title Nurvus.

That part I did miss.
That should be a no-brainer to be honest: Replay or Advance

Nonetheless, my feedback stands.
It'd be better to remove the need to spam any mission at all.
Or reward you for completing a certain mission "chain" (not with a time limit, though).

Suggestions: Rank, Elite and Ranked Elite Stats | AoE vs Greater Stats | Fairplay Sollution | Overcards

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Message Publié : 09 Mai 2014, 17:12 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:53
Message(s) : 783
Oscar_Gomez a écrit :
WOW, just wow. I know you're stupid but this takes it to a whole new level. I believe you should stop over complicating everything.

:-o mala onda
hey, nurvus ideas, imo, are the more clever, not just simple buttons, a shame you call that "overcomplicated", go take a life nap and stop overcomplicating your life then (?)

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 12 Juin 2014, 06:52 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
Well, they were over complicated for the topic even if you doubled the energy need for every mission to double the rewards it would change the needed button on non-boss missions and what about those who want to fight two different bosses that day, but because Nurvus' suggestion are all of sudden inconvenienced?

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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Message Publié : 16 Juin 2014, 08:59 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 18:52
Message(s) : 2480
Sorry I didn't give any feedback on this thread yet.
This is an idea many communities support but for the moment there won't be any "replay" button in adventure mode. Maybe later sometimes.
Thanks for your constructive posts, nonetheless :)

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