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 Sujet du message : Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 06 Mai 2014, 13:06 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 23:42
Message(s) : 36
I think we all know the cards I mean when I say "ignore cards". Any card that can be played BEFORE and opposing card to counter the opposing card that hasn't activated yet.

Now to me these cards are without question OP and frankly just ridiculous. I avoid them if I can and basically hate them. But before I go into why I hate them, what does the rest of the community feel about them?

I notice a lot of people use them and are even turning decks that were not intended for the ignore strategy in to what I'd call ignore decks such as the Runic Warrior ignore deck that is often seen doing very well in the amnezy.

Is this because the deck is popular and fun to use, or is it simply because ignore cards have potential for huge power and are clearly one of the most competitive styles in the game? And, if you do like ignore, do you think it should be so wide spread across the Guilds/Classes?

If you think all is as should be, please do say so. I'm just gathering opinions and all are useful.

So why I hate them, well... its simple to me, a cards power is a result of its potential defensive/offensive output and frequency of use. If you have a card that is going to boost your defence by 10 points for example, then it might be wise to make it unique to reduce it frequency. This is all understood and actioned by the dev's.

Now we have an ignore card, this has the potential to not only boost the activators attributes but also can ignore key cards and combo finishers. So, Power of Colossus, for example can be worth anywhere from its basic +2 attack to whatever the opponent can generate as their most powerful card.

I can't see ignore cards as anything other than potentially THE MOST POWERFUL CARDS due to this and as it is the ignore effect that holds the power, it doesn't matter if you unique these cards as the ignore power has not been made unique, in fact more of those style cards are being made in what I can only guess is an attempt to balance.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 06 Mai 2014, 20:37 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:53
Message(s) : 783
totally agree, like in h*****s****, there is a golden rule, all the cards must do something, and a card that makes another card useless, not because it counters it in equals and makes it useless, but because it just nullyfies the card, is WRONG, but sorry, here in eredan the balance is just a dream, because what they are making right now is just feeding the ogre til it explodes and bankrupt byebye

im a hater in this game, i spent so much, and i feel nothing in retribution


Dernière édition par Wolvos le 07 Mai 2014, 01:45, édité 1 fois.
please avoid the names of other games

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 07 Mai 2014, 01:59 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
for me

Citer :
ignore cards have potential for huge power and are clearly one of the most competitive styles in the game

thanks to this type of decks some elaborated strategies are dead, its sad because some decks win only if the play every card (I miss my tempus, my flawseekers have the same problem with this type of decks and almost the same with my powder, also corruption decks, world tree)

ignore cards are good in its measure, cards like dissidence were good in their time, because is just 1 good counter (and in that time couldnt be chained), now, we can build a deck with 10/20 cards (or more) are counters increasing the efficiency of that deck

your strategy inst good enough, so, put counters against the decks you cant beat and you are going to the top of ELO

the game started to bleed when the "ignore the next spell" was the fashion of the act

also having an aggro strategy with control cards was a bad idea

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 07 Mai 2014, 15:45 

Inscription : 25 Février 2013, 16:16
Message(s) : 1
MajinMan a écrit :
I can't see ignore cards as anything other than potentially THE MOST POWERFUL CARDS due to this and as it is the ignore effect that holds the power, it doesn't matter if you unique these cards as the ignore power has not been made unique, in fact more of those style cards are being made in what I can only guess is an attempt to balance.

I dislike this playstyle for exactly this reason. I dislike a concept whose entire method is nullifying the opponents play without any chance at counter play. This basically means whoever has the initiative and the better ignore cards will win regardless of how well built a deck or strategy you may have.

I would very much like to see ignore be something that is controlled better on the developer end as the power creep from it can be seen by walking through global tournament right now and it is really frustrating to grind and focus on getting cards for a deck you want to make and play with, just to never actually get to play your cards.

If they introduce some way to counter ignore cards or change how they function that would be wonderful, until then I will just continue to dodge people using decks like that because it is no fun coming to play a game where you dont actually get to play :/

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 07 Mai 2014, 16:11 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 23:42
Message(s) : 36
please... IS THERE ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DEFEND IGNORE STYLE CARDS? would really help the post to get some counter points.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 08 Mai 2014, 02:13 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
Ignoring card style were essentially Eredan way of Nerfing OP/broken combos. It was an obsolete way of balancing cards. I have said it before when talking about , any card that prevents you from playing a card in a card game is stupid. It defeats the purpose of deck construction and relying on strategy and combos. Yes there are a few examples of hard counters that are balanced. Like any of final evo or they are barely competitive cards that have a niche use.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 09 Mai 2014, 11:13 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 103
IMO ignore cards should be an option but ONLY if they carry a drawback with them. is a good example of how an ignore card should look like. You get to nullify your opponent's spell, but in return your own damage is cut in half.

But no, here we have things like which buff your characters while ignoring enemy cards.
And of course the prime offender, - seriously, how high they were when they made this card? It essentially makes any mage deck useless for 2 turns with no drawback at all (hell, it even gives a defense buff). is considered broken enough to be banned in Amnezy but what is basically an instant, 2-turn for mages is allowed for some reason.

You know something is broken when some of the top decks are ones who can load as much counter cards as possible besides their key cards. Countering/ignoring should never, EVER be able to be viable as a full deck strategy.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 10 Mai 2014, 21:17 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:09
Message(s) : 638
I try it in englich (and hope you understand my point)

Frist: I think it is not wrong that ignore-cards exists. Scrissm Stone Paper one lose! for a game really normal. an other example: 'prison free card' monopoly.

I donn't think there are to much off them. Sure ignore-card destroy some Deck strategies but not all! And in differen Tounamant there are more or less important.
Perhaps to many im Qullingo but that not permanat!
And PvE ...

What comes next you want no card that erase permanent-card, so you can better play tank-decks?

And i think (and that ist important for me). You cann't win only by playing ignore-card. Else i would see more.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 13 Mai 2014, 14:55 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 23:42
Message(s) : 36
Thanks for getting involved Martin84 and thanks for your opinion... I get what you are saying, water must beat fire, paper beats rock etc. there is always a winning deck and loosing one. But could you make you point a bit more complete...

If it like rock, paper, scissors and ignore is like the rock breaking the scissors, which is the paper beating the rock, or the strategy beating the ignore? And secondly, why have the majority been against ignore so far, saying it is used far too often. And finally you make no reference to actual damage out put, what are your thoughts that an ignore card could potentially out do a card such as Masamura's 7 Secrets for example with no preparation or planning?

I only ask, not to challenge you, but to clear up something that frustrates me on a game i love. thanks for your time.

P.s please try to refrain from blatant sarcastic comments such as...

What comes next you want no card that erase permanent-card, so you can better play tank-decks?....

Obviously no-one is saying this, please do try to keep to the topic and keep from starting conflict.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Ignore Style Cards, OP?
Message Publié : 13 Mai 2014, 15:57 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:09
Message(s) : 638
MajinMan a écrit :
Thanks for getting involved Martin84 and thanks for your opinion... I get what you are saying, water must beat fire, paper beats rock etc. there is always a winning deck and loosing one. But could you make you point a bit more complete...

No i sad someone musst lose! How it is and why we have to discuss (oh we doing it just in the moment, that is good ;)

MajinMan a écrit :
If it like rock, paper, scissors and ignore is like the rock breaking the scissors, which is the paper beating the rock, or the strategy beating the ignore? And secondly, why have the majority been against ignore so far, saying it is used far too often. And finally you make no reference to actual damage out put, what are your thoughts that an ignore card could potentially out do a card such as Masamura's 7 Secrets for example with no preparation or planning?

Perhaps i dont understand
Do you mean it is to easy with irgnore Cards to negate other?

MajinMan a écrit :
P.s please try to refrain from blatant sarcastic comments such as...

sorry :D
MajinMan a écrit :
What comes next you want no card that erase permanent-card, so you can better play tank-decks?....

My Point was you talk about Balance but with just Cardexamples, there you could find ever unbalance.
If i use gametheorie and compere with chess, both can have same Deck/Figure and the main different is the beginnen. I think frist Probleme is what is fair! (there so so many more i want tell, but not in english)
And why should it be fairß (i think we will see it different)
There exist no calculation or probabilities about winner Decks! You say a Card shouldn't be and i don't understad the (your) reason why! (could be my Problem)

MajinMan a écrit :
Obviously no-one is saying this, please do try to keep to the topic and keep from starting conflict.

Sorry but i see not the different between this and your Problem with the Card! This was the reason i wrote the example.

And i wrote it again, it could only be a permanent Problem in Amnezy Tournament! (PvP without Tournament is unblance too if no ignore Card exist)

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