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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 06:18 

Inscription : 17 Mai 2014, 07:41
Message(s) : 6
I'm trying to make a good competitive deck, focusing around Nehantic Receptacle, maybe Dimizar and Carkass. My idea is to throw out a ton of corruptions, maybe use spells on Dimizar and the Receptacle that would suffer damage (since they both don't take self-damage) and then use Carkass afterwards to slay the other team. Any ideas what a good deck would be? I keep messing around too much and making too many decks that just don't cut it.

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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 06:20 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
nehantic aoe is the best choice with receptacle

My (outdated) decks

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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 12:28 

Inscription : 17 Mai 2014, 07:41
Message(s) : 6
Wolvos a écrit :
nehantic aoe is the best choice with receptacle

Would you mind giving me some sample must haves? Im assuming "My name is legion x3" but cant think of much else. What heroes would you use?

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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 15:10 

Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 20:31
Message(s) : 75
For this kind of deck, better to play with 3 mages.

Nehant Receptacle
Iron Mask (the starting corruption on opponent will boost your damage, you need it fast)
A Guem mage (prefer those without recycling ability.

1x Revealing the secrets
3x My name is legion
3x Nehantic hold
3x Overconfidence
3x Entropy
1x Breaking the second chain
1x Mastery
1x The other side of the coin
1x Academic lesson
3 more cards you like, like Magic Sensibility, Give Death, Decomposition, etc

Basically, you'll stack corruptions on the beggining (use all my name is legion with your guemelites to stack max number of corruptions the faster you can), discard nehantic hold, on 3rd 4th turn play the other side of the coin (even better if you have academic lesson already set on this character) and play entropy to pull those nehantic hold and bam bam kill it all.

If you die and someone survive, repeat it next turn with more entropies.

Evil is just a point of view.

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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 16:44 

Inscription : 17 Mai 2014, 07:41
Message(s) : 6
TutahaMatador a écrit :
For this kind of deck, better to play with 3 mages.

Nehant Receptacle
Iron Mask (the starting corruption on opponent will boost your damage, you need it fast)
A Guem mage (prefer those without recycling ability.

1x Revealing the secrets
3x My name is legion
3x Nehantic hold
3x Overconfidence
3x Entropy
1x Breaking the second chain
1x Mastery
1x The other side of the coin
1x Academic lesson
3 more cards you like, like Magic Sensibility, Give Death, Decomposition, etc

Basically, you'll stack corruptions on the beggining (use all my name is legion with your guemelites to stack max number of corruptions the faster you can), discard nehantic hold, on 3rd 4th turn play the other side of the coin (even better if you have academic lesson already set on this character) and play entropy to pull those nehantic hold and bam bam kill it all.

If you die and someone survive, repeat it next turn with more entropies.

Thanks a lot. Out of all the remaining Guem mages who do you think would work the best? ^_^

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Message Publié : 22 Mai 2014, 17:05 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
carfax, receptacle and dead tree is the line up

Magic Sensibility or balckness are good fillers

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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