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Message Publié : 23 Février 2015, 22:34 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
announce a écrit :
im going to compile, as is possible for me, the suggestions here and send them to the staff (becaue they are asking me today, not before)

i would like some help with this, checking your forums/old forums ( )
just add the linkto the original suggeston, or if you have a new one, create a post in the suggestion subforum and create a link

ty vm guys, thanks in advance

i dont know how this new order will end, or even if this thread is ignored, but i want to help and i need the aid of the player base, with some rules:

nerfs: think about why this X card deserve it and how to fix it without killing the deck/card. try to compare effects, costs <-> power relationship with the cardpool

buffs: same logic of nerfs

repetitive bugs: bugs out of the card's description (quilingo loads, more than 3 copies of a card)

add new things: (new weekly tounamants, new unranked formats, new champions hall system)

remove things:

any change of mechanics?: (new ban format for tournaments, new rooms, more daily quest, buff starter decks, market algorythm, clan only events....)

thank you for your time

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Février 2015, 04:06 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
Nerf: Maybe there are some cards that need nerf, but the risk of not doing with all of them, or leave them useless running, there are many examples. In other cases they miscarry cards as Maturinus, Soraya, etc


Repetitive Buff: Some cards do not keep their effects when subsequent cards are played, such as Crystal Short Sword, if someone plays a letter and bring a onjeto the cemetery, and not canceled, Sida there are many examples.

Add new things: Occasional living out of the monotony with restrictions. To return events, even repeated. To return the pre-built decks. Having weekly trophies again and respetivas legendary cards to complete the entire act. Republish old characters, putting even more life and statistics but can in skills. Modify the adventure mode making him more in line with new cards that came out, because they were far behind. Cumulative daily mission, according to the number of consecutive days to meet, touch you better cards, for example, if you make daily mission one year, you get a legendary.

Remove things: That tournament Amnezy restrictions are changed every month at least, varying the cards to get them all excited and say, now touches you and then hold nomas :). Remove envious people, I read that because someone wins tournaments in a row, you should be banned, if you have committed a sin, yes, but not because it happens to someone. Request nerfeos to letters because your favorite deck is not as strong as before (there is a player who is asking nerfeos anti marauders cards just because he plays with them for example). Not prohibit have three copies of cards just because they do not, out there are asking that you can not enter Amnezy with more than two legendary, please do not be corroded by envy, we can not all be legendary, and is not the fault of those who have, you feel inferior, they feed the game to put money.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Février 2015, 06:37 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:34
Message(s) : 18
Why my page show in French language @-@ so confusing here...

Anyway, At first, I think all of us need events (Daily, week ,month, special, and promotion pack, sth.). Then Balancing deck (nerf/buff cards), some cards actually need nerf however a lot of cards need buff. Pls do not hurry to make them at once and give the bad situation. better to slowly buff/nerf which give the best solution. Adventure mode can do later.

I think eredan itcg should start 12 act like as "New war begin". it is also the signal to start the new weekly trophy card again (and i recommend further that please return old trophy by the order together with the new one, that means, we will have two weekly trophy cards per each week.)

And I strongly recommend about the special packs becuz a lot of cards hard to obtain now and there are few ones in the market. (hope that it can reduce the price in market).

My main deck still be Sap Heart (eg, the Ourenos with his teammate act6-act7). I hope so much that this game will be fresh alive again. Then My Sap Heart will conquer the arena again :D

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Février 2015, 19:34 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
To reduce market prices there is a solution: to increase charge from 10% to 25%. The number of crystals players have will reduce and then prices will reduce too. But "elite" players would not agree with that since they gain a lot of crystalls from selling cards.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Février 2015, 08:16 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
there was a time when the tax was raised to 30, nobody sold anything, then we are here again with the idea of raise it again

removing crystals via tax isnt the accurate choice, we need more supply of cards, also isnt logical the limit price of a rare in 1m and the legend 1m too and common up to 5k

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Février 2015, 09:32 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
still the inflation began with the introduction of the wealth gem and the clan bonuses... since we all of sudden ran from a few cx each match up to 180 cx ...

the other effect which i was mentioning elsewhere is the faster gameplay which results in faster cx aquisition...

a slightly increased tax would be fine i guess... but not more then an additional 10%, maybe 5% is already enough... but what is more important is that we would need mechanisms that allow us to "use" the cx in order to get rid of the amount in game...

inflation is always happening if the provider of the money is just pushing it into the market... if lets say we could buy energy with cx or if a certain mission in AM would only be accesable with a certain amount of cx spent... it may help to decrease the inflation

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 25 Février 2015, 14:08 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
indeed, also we have infinite money but nothing to spend it

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 26 Février 2015, 02:55 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657
Since there is a threat with some suggestions for nerfs and it got many ideas I just link it here (instead of copying all the card suggestions in here.) ;)


repetitive bugs: bugs out of the card's description (quilingo loads, more than 3 copies of a card)
still missing in Quilingo are the old version of and

add new things:
- Veteran Tournament - only cards from the veteran booster may be used (so acual basic and act 1- 8)
- Old school Tournament - only cards from basic and act 1- 3
- all day cooper & silver tournament instead only as masters tournament every few weeks (we really need a play to fight without special cards or rares)

- Advernture mode:
--"do this mission again"-button (not only for the last boss, but for every single mission)
-- new dark tower missions.
-- pirate mission
-- stone linker mission
-- old event missions like stoneking as permenant (like the tavern)

- possibility to win energy instead of buying (since you need it for some trophys)

any change of mechanics?:
- When checking friendlist or clanlist no more jumping to the start or the own name, please ... it is really annoying, when you search for someone, just found him and then it jumps back before you can write him.

- in PvP-Room a Question "Do you really want to fight with "character name".
or new player should only added under the names, to avoid the always jumping of names and in that very moment you want to fight someone it changes and you are in fight with the wrong player.

- Add a "give up"-button ... we really need a possibility to end a fight soon without beeing unfair. It is really annoying to fight vs another player (for example priests) when you know "Oh, this will take until turn 11 or 12 and then I will lose anyway because of their heal and my deck is too big to make it faster by selfdiscarding."

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 26 Février 2015, 09:21 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
i am against new tournaments... we have 4 tournaments each week and 3 of them are dominated by a bunch of people... adding more tournaments will just give them more money since they already posses around 90% of all different cards that there are and will easily build any deck for any tournament requirements... if tournaments, then there should be a mechanism to stop the domination by a few

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 28 Février 2015, 15:43 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 19:23
Message(s) : 240
It is easy. Ban this new tournaments for top-50 of Amnezy.

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