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 Sujet du message : Characteristic ability?
Message Publié : 23 Avril 2015, 01:18 

Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 08:41
Message(s) : 4
What does the new "Revenant" mean? Is it a new caste? If so do other castes have a characteristic ability too (or maybe getting one)? I think characteristic abilities will add a very interesting element to the game!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Characteristic ability?
Message Publié : 23 Avril 2015, 01:55 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world

Citer :
The new caracteristic is: "Revenant", it gives it's holder the following ability:
"At the end of the turn, suffers 1 direct damage point if he is alive, otherwise he heals 2 Health points."

My (outdated) decks

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 Sujet du message : Re: Characteristic ability?
Message Publié : 23 Avril 2015, 02:16 

Inscription : 06 Février 2013, 08:41
Message(s) : 4
do you think this is this first of many characteristic abilities?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Characteristic ability?
Message Publié : 23 Avril 2015, 03:10 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
this isnt the first time we see new mechanics

but they have a small impact in the deck's strategy, i mean, there is no real profit of them (sacrifice [] & Defender/attacker ], runes, powder, nehant undeads) over playing a deck without them

long time ago (act 2) you could play supplying (+3 powder tokens to everyone, no buffs), a card with 0 impact in the current fight
in act 6, we had something similar with the runics, but now the cards add something else wit the runes

but with this new mechanics i think they are in the same spot of the old supplying, but in act 9

cards with sacrifice has a big drawback and the effect isnt good enough

My (outdated) decks

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