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Message Publié : 05 Novembre 2015, 08:18 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
Found this game recently and since it seemed like fun I put in a bit of money and tried to make a Catherine/Selestyne WitchBlade deck. Did fine in the first two tournaments, but when I gave the global tourny a try I was introduced to the meta wall. After getting smacked around by a weapon Kotoba deck and a Courtier AoE deck I figured I would stop by the forums to see if I could get some help!

The only WitchBlade decklists I could find seemed to be out of date (had cards that can no longer be acquired or used) and revolve around AoE spam.

Before I try blindly putting together another deck does anyone have any current decklists they would be willing to share as well as the best way to acquire the cards for it (marketplace/shop/booster/etc.)? I don't mind how difficult it is to make as I figured any decent deck would take time for a newbie to put together. Any clan will do!

Bonus points for:
-All female characters (hence WitchBlade)
-Contains cards that can be acquired through the shop (as I am still collecting crystals)
-Does not depend on cards that are hard/impossible to acquire (event/tournament/legendary)

Any advice for general deck building or what packs/decks are worth investing in are welcome as well!

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Message Publié : 05 Novembre 2015, 14:19 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
check the market (cant remember the name) for halo of light, crystal trap, lux draconis, infiltration and fragmenting light

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 05 Novembre 2015, 16:48 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
Thanks so much for the quick response! Wow, I didn't know about crystal trap! That makes Halo way more usable. I was a little worried about Infiltration, but Fragmenting Light probably makes that a lot easier. I like the idea of sticking with WitchBlades, but I just don't know how to make them viable (or if they even can be). Mind giving this list a look and see if I'm on the right track?


Not sure about the 3rd slot.
Something like or ?


I'm afraid I don't know enough about Unique actions/spells or trophies to know what would be worth running. Please don't hesitate to tell me about them so that I can start saving up for them now!

As I haven't had many duels I also don't know what to tech in versus tough clan matchups like item removal or heals.

I noticed some other cards when looking at older decks which seem to focus on AoE.

I'm not sure what kind of deck size people go for. Do I just max out things vital to the deck strategy? It's tough to design a deck when you aren't familiar with the cardlist or meta :D !

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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 00:51 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
Most players go for decks around 20 cards, so they can get to the cards they need faster. However, with discard decks there are some decks that go for more cards to avoid being card outed by discard. That said I have no clue how well Witchblades stand up to discard.

was good for discarding cards from stackers during it time, but I'm not sure how well it is now.
is a good card versus high defense characters.

Other female oriented decks include:
Nomads: Eclipse and Immortals, though from time to they also get male characters
Half of the Pirates decks: I think only warrior pirates are currently all female but from time to female marauders have become meta. And I love my , , and deck even though S.A.R.A.H. is technically genderless
Runic Legion: Runic Priests deck or at least I think it was when I last checked.
Sap Heart: Elfines all female, all the time, well there are male elfines, but they are so rare that only 2 have been released a 5 year period and neither of the 2 two fit in the Elfines deck at any rate.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 03:35 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
Ah, thanks for pointing out the other clans! I'll take a look at them later and put together some lists in their respective forums to see if I can get an actual deck to work towards. Hopefully one of them will at least let me compete a bit in the global tourney.

Should I move that WitchBlade decklist to the Noz forums for help as well?

Also, does anyone have any experience buying packs? I want to try my hand at making several decks (like the ones Joseph suggested!) so is it better to focus on one at a time with guilded packs or just go all in on veteran and sell the extra rares you don't need? The fact that I don't what decks work or not and that they grab from two different sets of acts has me a little worried as to which holds the most value for your Fee'z.

Glad to see there are people hanging around the English section of the forums!

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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 04:14 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
About boosters, standard and newcomers are the less riskies because of the booster's pool

In this game we have some events , if you have diversity in class, race, guild, caste, mechanics you will finish it fast
But as a new player i suggest you finish with the core cards (20 good cards, reducing fillers) instead having uneffective decks

The third wb options are: nadarya (stats), moira the great wb (effects) or senya ( decent if playing weapons and reducing spirit for magic attacks)

Noz secret instead of magic attack, aoe are just 1 way to playa wb, but remember playing aoe force you to play 1 card per fight unless you have the expensive/unique cards, wb trump or naya's crown, trump deals more damage, naya remains equipped, secret weappon or lightning laces

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 06:43 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
Thank you for the advice on the boosters! I guess getting the really rare cards out of Newcomer and then focusing on guilded would be the way to go. Then just use the marketplace for older cards I suppose.

Getting the 20 core cards is exactly why I hope people will post some of their decklists. I don't have the cards at the moment to play around and test, so having a target list to work towards would really help me get started. After that I can see about getting those nifty unique cards to really round out the deck (whatever those might be).

I wasn't thinking about ! I love and it just seems to compliment the other two characters nicely.

I don't really love the idea of playing WitchBlade as AoE. Card denial through and seems way more fun as it was how I beat a Sap deck in Standard (not to mention the card art is way cooler). The only reason I brought it up was because I figured that it was the only way for them to be competitive, even if Courtiers can seemingly do it better. Also, I got some guilded packs and the constructed deck so I already have things like and so I figured it wouldn't be that impossible to put together.

Has anyone had any success with this type of denial WitchBlade deck and have a list they would be willing to share so I can learn all the core 20 cards? If no one has a list, is it better to drop for stronger buff cards? Is still useful if you aren't focusing on AoE?

Gah, sorry about the long posts full of questions! I've played card games for a long time and I just get really excited when learning a new game and I want to do my best (while still making a cool looking deck, of course) 8-) !

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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 07:16 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
Noz secret is good because is the best way to deal against some defensive decks, removing that card is like free wins for dragon knights or abara, for example

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 13:43 
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Inscription : 03 Novembre 2015, 08:48
Message(s) : 20
Gave it a try again today but without much more success. This game really is scary for newcomers. It doesn't look like the / can really work outside of standard. Kind of sad considering how fun these new WithBlades are to play. Luckily it didn't take too many crystals to make the changes.

I'm gonna start saving crystals for my next deck build. Elfine and Pirates look pretty cool and I'd like to try, but it just doesn't seem as scary as Zil/Kotoba who buff/debuff a lot, or Compendium/Courtier/Runic who can attack all your characters. Is this a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" situation?

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Message Publié : 06 Novembre 2015, 22:16 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
Don't overlook Alfines double/triple attacks so quickly, some of there abilities can negate a buffed Kotoba in no time flat, wrecking havoc on item stackers and magic users alike. Pirate warriors have a few coup de grace that take out all your opponents once you loaded them with powder tokens. On the other hand Pirates marauders are famous for killing out of combat characters with there guns while doing damage to the in combat character. Runics ability to attack all your characters is more on par with Pirates then it is with Compendium and Courtiers.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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