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 Sujet du message : Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 16:15 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 00:54
Message(s) : 1655
Have you ever wanted the noz pets to actually be a playable deck? Publish your ideas here! I'll read them all as I work on ideas of my own so we can come up with something fairly decent, but not Centorium level (yet)

Ex-Consortium Guilde [CsT]
Ex-Noz'Dingard Guild Leader
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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 17:52 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:53
Message(s) : 783
oh this kind of inquiry is awesome!

i think what pet deck lacks is synergy between pets and other cards, like white volk and inner beast in the pack!

and, of course, vaerzar needs to be pumped, he is the core, but is just as useless as el sachem (btw, if you can propose that to the sap guild master, pls boost the sachem -.- he is awesome but useless...)

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 17:57 
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Inscription : 08 Novembre 2015, 23:03
Message(s) : 261
a friend and I created some cards :D

- Action Compendium

Your character can use up to 4 Pets until the end of the game. Chain.
Sacrifice 1: a pet from your Discard Pile is played.

- Action Compendium

If a pet is attached to the opponent, it is discarded and played by you without restrictions, and at end of the turn, the pet is discarded.
Otherwise it has Attack -2 and Spirit -2 until end of the game.

- Action Compendium

Duration 2 or 3 Turns.
Your Compendiums have Defense +2 and Spirit +2.
Your Compendiums that hold one pet have Attack +2.

- Compendium - Draconic Spell

For each Pet attached to you, gain +2 of Life limit. Chain.
After that, this card is removed from the game.

- Pet Defensive - Compendium - DK

Defense and Spirit +1.
At the beginning of combat, Sacrifice 1: 2 cards from your Discard Pile return to your hand.

- Pet Magic

At the beginning of combat, choose an active opponent card, this card is discarded. Permanent.
Compendium: Attack and Spirit +1 until the end of the game.

Guild Leader Noz

How Changed: GL exclusivity
Why changed: Now i have an original nick! :P

Dernière édition par Kelltaron le 04 Janvier 2016, 18:14, édité 1 fois.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 18:03 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:53
Message(s) : 783
lord of the beast is pretty cool, except for the sacrifice thing, i believe that kind of game style is just dead, and it wasnt good at all from the beginning

and for Animal Cooperation - Action Compendium

Duration 2 Turns.
Your Compendiums have Defense +2 and Spirit +2.
Your Compendiums that hold one pet have Attack +2.

is a real nice card, except it could be for 3 turns!

badoen is just op

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 18:16 
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Inscription : 08 Novembre 2015, 23:03
Message(s) : 261
Alerce a écrit :
for Animal Cooperation - Action Compendium

Duration 2 Turns.
Your Compendiums have Defense +2 and Spirit +2.
Your Compendiums that hold one pet have Attack +2.

is a real nice card, except it could be for 3 turns!

badoen is just op

I modified...
Badoen continues OP?
Animal cooperation had a good Buff??

Guild Leader Noz

How Changed: GL exclusivity
Why changed: Now i have an original nick! :P

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 18:30 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:53
Message(s) : 783
Breor De Gwad a écrit :
Alerce a écrit :
for Animal Cooperation - Action Compendium

Duration 2 Turns.
Your Compendiums have Defense +2 and Spirit +2.
Your Compendiums that hold one pet have Attack +2.

is a real nice card, except it could be for 3 turns!

badoen is just op

I modified...
Badoen continues OP?
Animal cooperation had a good Buff??

badoen is alright, the problem with it is that discarding strategy is annoying (desert nomads and their maks probe it)
animal coperation is really cool!

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 04 Janvier 2016, 21:50 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 01:21
Message(s) : 536
I'm not following, Compendium and discarding attached card from characters has been around since the beginning with . And Badoen currently looks like and had a baby that works well for current compendium and doesn't look anything like to me.

Ty Boadicea for the awesome farewell gift. Now just to think up an avatar to go with it. Anyway, I'm still a Sap/Nomad/Pirates fan and user.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 05 Janvier 2016, 03:37 
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Inscription : 24 Février 2013, 19:24
Message(s) : 52
My suggestion to give a great leveling the pets compendium

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 30 Avril 2016, 21:13 

Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 02:40
Message(s) : 243
is a really trashy card. AoE means you have to play that and only that the turn which make for a really weak play.

Here are some idea in a redesign I had for the Tamer class.

As of right now I have a Tamer deck that is doing pretty well. I don't play tournies so I don't know how well it would do there but here is the deck list.

X 3
X 3
X 3
X 2
X 3
X 1
X 3
X 1
X 2

Pretty straight forward deck. Attach Darkat on all the tamers and use Lightning Laces + magic attack to KO characters. Armor Invocation and Dragon Armor to thin the deck. Magic Study to fight againt discard decks and also boost defenses. Ice Crystal boost DF and AT. Last Action is for massive burst.

If you plan to use this deck in a tourney your gonna need more tech for removal. I suggest taking out Ice Crystal and putting in 2 and 1 more . DO NOT USE SINCE DARKAT MAKES YOU A MAGE/MARAUDER.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Noz Pets!
Message Publié : 01 Mai 2016, 18:36 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
Id love to see that they can equip 2 pets, that would diferentiate them.

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