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Message Publié : 13 Octobre 2015, 21:20 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

Choose a spell of Water, Earth, Air and Fire in game one to two heart stones selected element are created and played.
Human: Chain Object.

Justification: To speed up play stones Heart because more speed is required to play them and so take advantage of certain cards.

If none of your characters carries a stone-heart, a "" and a stone-Heart of your deck will be played.

Justification: To give more useful to the card, because his bonus would be more interesting at the start of the game.

The next object is activated immediately played, and if Kotoba your bonus will be doubled.
At the end of the combat win 2 Life points, or 3 if you're a defender.
Chain Object.

Justification: This Card today is not good and is not used, however in this way could be used.

The opposing player may discard two cards if you wish, if you do, "" is discarded immediately, if not, is equipped on the opposing character.

Justification: To be more likely to use activate and use this card. Since it is a very small cost to deny the effect of it, but being there 2 cards could be useful and would suggest how to operate more strategically.

Choose one of your characters, this card is equipped. The gains Ambidiestria and fighter class. Permanent.
Chain if your other living characters are fighters.

Justification: To increase you income and use of this card, and serve to experiment and give more variety to some decks, returning to some character not fighter, a fighter, also making it possible to carry two weapons that are not ambidextrous, giving more opportunities to combine weapons. it would not be a very fast card, would be more to slow decks, instead of serving more decks for super fast or die in early rounds.

It could also serve to give possibility to use certain characters that are no longer used, and even relaunch and modify, such as artisan kotoba, , making it possible not only to make and equip their swords, but also to a fight and equip cards like any other fighter of his nation.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 03 Janvier 2016, 23:09 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 20:55
Message(s) : 95

"...If you play a powder weapon an opponent card attached to your opponent is discarded. ..."

Justify: in my opinion is a non-sense that is an own card to be discarded (for example "illegal cargo")


"Duration 2 turns. Choose an opposing character, this card is attached to him. He has +2 to damage suffered. Each time the holder suffers damage, an other opposing card attached to him is discarded. Chain powder weapon."

Justify: the first modify that I proposeis in order to eliminate the excessive random effect of the card, that, I remember, is a rare card. The second modify is in order to avoid the non-sense effect of discard an own card attached to the opposing character.


As this card activates and at the end of your next fights, if you hold a powder weapon, choose an opposing character and he suffers 2 or 3 direct damage points. When the holder loses this card choose an opposing character and he suffers 3 direct damage points.

Justify: both the modifies that I propose are in order to eliminate the excessive random effect of the card, that, I remember, is a rare card.

Add: "Attack and Spirit +2. +2 to damage that your character inflicts to the opponent"

Justify: both the modifies that I propose are in order to increase the power of this rareand unique card.


"The opposing character suffer 2 direct damage points. If you wear a powder weapon, they gain one powder token and suffer 1 extra direct damage point"

Justify: both the modifies that I propose are in order to increase the power of this rare card.


"Attack +5/+3. ..."

Justify: in my opinion is a non-sense that it is a rare card, but the common card is better.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 15 Janvier 2016, 15:21 

Inscription : 11 Février 2013, 17:24
Message(s) : 11
niveau 3 (Version jeune)
Proposition: Ajouter l'effet suivant: Horloger de la Destinée a +X aux dégâts causés où X est le tour en cours divisé par 8 (arrondi au supérieur)

niveau 3 (Version vieux)
Proposition: Ajouter l'effet suivant: Horloger de la Destinée a -X aux dégâts subis où X est le tour en cours divisé par 8 (arrondi au supérieur)

Justification: Carte rare et assez peu utile.

Proposition: S'attache à votre adversaire. À l'activation puis tous les 2 tours, une carte attachée au porteur qui n'est pas une Corruption est défausée. Permanent.

Justification: Cette carte a beaucoup de potenciel mais à son état actuel elle est un peu trop lente. Ce changement aiderait les corrupteurs, qui sont maintenant par dessous de la moyenne.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 15 Mai 2016, 18:31 
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Inscription : 14 Février 2013, 01:27
Message(s) : 2125
Localisation : SAN JUAN - ARGENTINA

At the beginning of each round, one discard some nomadic teurgia is put into your deck.
If your character is not a priest, you can play teurgias.
Duration 2 to 4 rounds. Chain Teurgia.

Justification: It is a scroll of the words of a nomadic god, What is written in, should help them to connect with their god, and even non-priests to learn to invoke if nesesidad. Nomads are very attached to the divine people, so it would be good, thanks to this card, all nomadas characters could play this type of cards. This improvement could give this card useful for some people want to try this card because it could recycle a bit if not the best cards, and could use teurgias in certain characters who are not accustomed to using.

A single original per character. Duration: 6 rounds.
Mind +1. Chain if any active or discard any lightning spell.
After having played your cards, Attack +2 to +3 if you played a spell, and +2 to +3 defense if you've played an action.

Justification: To give more useful to this card.

Upon activation of this card, and at the beginning of each match, you win definitely attack, defense or mind +1.
At the beginning of each round, if you are between 7 and 12 points of life, you heal 1 point of life.
Chain book or scroll. (or: Champion: Chain.)

Justification: Getting 12 points in all your features is almost impossible, or you die before, or you spend on some feature, usually the attack or defense. Better do you heal much less, but asking for something more feasible to achieve, and incidentally give chain, if there are more volumes of this series. (And incidentally, it is more useful the card.)

If improvement is not so, unless you are a light chain, and that the initial condition, be modified to 2 of your characteristics, or that all equal or exceed that number.

Citer :

Permanent. +1/2 Attack. (or Attack +1 and gain additionally the raze beast)
Beast: Chain, and if you are not carrying weapons have +1 additional maximum attack.
Activation you suffer 3 direct damage should not take another damn object.
Chain cursed object.

Permanent. Mind +2 to +3. You become Nehantist instead of your other guilds. Chain cursed object or nehant spell.
Activation you suffer 3 direct damage should not take another damn object.
At the end of each round, you suffer direct damage from 0 to 1.

Justification of the two proposals: It's to improve some cursed objects, in the first bonus is very low compared to the damage, and this to relate beasts so dle drawing, could attract the use of that card in cattle, as Jauria in the deck, because sometimes their attacks harming themselves are enhanced. In the second proposal, the book is a rare card, but there is no point in mind if only for that round, and less if it is not some spell, as it should be a book of magic, but this should also present a cost, not just the initial loss of life, since access a damn book, you can make significantly increase your power, high own cost.

Spirit +1 for each dress in any discards. (Maximum 4) Permanent.
Spells and teurgia chain.
Circus: +1 in the effects of . chain.

Justification: It is to give more useful to this card, so not only depends on the clothes your disposal. Also in this way it could be useful to this card in a circus deck to terrorize the wrist and realizing you greater effect by using another card.

Attack +1. At the end of the fight, the opposing character suffers 1 direct damage and actions played by him in that round are put in your discard.
Chain card courtier or circus.

Justification: This way, it might be more useful to the card and it would be more realistic to what should happen when using the card your using it with the previous card in a combo, you could get very interesting game and fun.

EDITED: (I deleted the previous message, as it was for a good time, which is all that is before this, to add this without double post and make it known that I added something I was waiting for someone commented, but. I saw that this did not happen.)

Citer :

Guemelitte of Fire and Earth
At the Start of the fight, if your character's Health points are below 8, he will perform a physical attack additional on the opposing character equals his attack printed. (Or defense non printed.)
Play the earth spell ignoring restrictions.
Rounds 1 to 4: A "" from your hand or discard is played.
Defense: 6
Life: 16

Guemelitte of guem and dragon.
Rounds 1, 2, 4 and 8: 1 to 2 "" are created and played before your cards. (or 2 "")
Life: 32

Rounds Pairs: All your characters gain Attack minimum +1 definitely.
Attack: 6/8

(Add a new level.)
+1 Damage suffred And caused for each dead ally.
Rounds 1, 4 and 5: Your characters gain Attack +1 definitely.
Spirit: 3
Attack: 1/11
Defense: 3
Life: 15

Justification: To make these characters more useful event, improve at some event where they are included in some way, so attract a little more on the sale of that event.

Among those characters of events, we have the , one of the least useful triples, you do not have class, so you have to earn it by force to have more playing cards available letters to use, but is very limited. Thus, it would not have classes, worse would have races that would enable it to play a few incantations and letters to guemelianos, increasing slightly so the number of cards he can play. That improvement, along with a small increase in life and bonus round, to provide improved resistance and the possibility of causing more direct everyone for their effect damage, all this, to help balance slightly, the fact that does not have class. This would follow form without being at the height of the other triples, I do not seek it, but it would be more useful and attractive when incorporating it into a pack of event.

On the other hand, is an elfine, where it is not very useful because of its low minimum attack, I propose that improvement, so you can make a decent and useful deck with this character.

also needs improvement, but could also take advantage of the fact that has only 2 evolutions order to create an 3rd and that is why I tapped on the sand Eredan !!!! thus the character so interesting to have it and try to make experiments with be improved.

The Pack - Mystic-Slayer
Attack and Spirit +1 against Mages and Priests.
Mercenaries adverse have Defense -1, -1 if additional Mystic-Slayer.
Rounds 1 and 4: Defense and Attack +1.

Justification: could be improved that was Mystic-Slayer before, but was left for dead in history, so it would be logical to benefit from the weapons and actions to Mystic-Slayer, or has an additional bonus for them because it was one of them, so learned their techniques. Incidentally, winning his caste could also be that it can be an alternative character among the few Mystic-Slayer that exist, which are not very good, (this would be contrary to its history to some extent.) As these are very forgotten and powerless and they need better cards, characters and serve. They are now useless. Also in his malus he would win improved by greater than cazamagos feature.

Citer :
("Green") (On the other colors of this character would be modified in the same way, exept in immunity that should remain unchanged, to equalize in profit.)
Nature and light inmunity.
Turns 2, 4 and 6: -1 Damage point suffered and 1 "" from your deck, hand or discard is then played your cards.
Spirit: 2
Attack: 10/13

Attack +2 and spirit +1 against Mages and Priests. Initiative +1 for each courtier.
Life: 16

Justification: This is a bit better the Mystic-Slayer characters, which are not useful almost, and incidentally, it would give utility to a letter from the "base set". if this, it is complemented two characters and a new card and / or improve other cards to enhance their own caste, it would be more feasible for that can use them, being that not only could kill against mages and priests, that is what they are specialized, but above decks that do not have, can at least give some fight.

Duración: 2 a 3 Combats.
Tempus or Demon: In the next round, advance the counter rounds 0 to 1 adiccional. Chain action.

Justification: While it was fine that improve the card was not enough, thus it could to support the tempus as priest and also the demons so to "". It is a rare card, and needs a longer lasting effect or to be considered good card.

(The card must stop being for NOZ and compendium)
No multi-class: All characters have -1 and direct and physical damage caused.
Sacrifice 1: Your character only enchain with pets. The characters additionally have caused physical damage -1, or -1 to -2 additionally if your character is Compendium.

Justification: To give more useful to this card, and can be used for magicians for a more defensive strategy, taking advantage of it now the magicians, worse still more useful for compendium mages, having very biuen effect by applying sacrifice, but taking higher costs, not only sacrifice but would cease to shackle the play action and spells, this would, for the magician play as the first card of the fight other to string together as an object, pet, etc., or to play zone, and that losing the chain, it would be better to use it to that if there is another alternative. It is that the change of strategy that would require the sacrifice this card, I would diversify mallets, particularly noz, not just something purely offensive, going to something slower like the plump and equip cards and beating the opponent. The justification for stringing stop only when playing actions or incantations, is that the character must consentrarse much more to make it more effective, limiting their ability for these types of cards.

Permanent. Chain action guilded.
Attack +1 and spirit.
If you are clan member, chose one of your characters That has to scroll, magic book, or banner attached to him, I gains 2 Health points.

New level: (That Be Achieved by performing a new trophy, Requiring the following: Having Been in a clan for 15 days or more, Also Have Been to 3 other clans)

Permanent. Chain action guilded.
maximum life limit, Attack and Spirit +1.
If you are clan member, chose one of your characters That has to scroll, magic book, banner or pet, I gains 2 Health points, or 3 if you are governor or champion.

Justification: To make it more useful this card, to give a light chain and has more cards to which activate its other effects, but also, in addition, add a new level, possibly with the same picture, so is enhanced a little more this card, being something more useful for players, giving more useful to the guild with this, by incorporating an additional trophy that involves, and an effect enhanced to the highest ranks of a clan.

Defense, Spirit and attack minimal = 0. (or Attack printed)
........ Otherwise, His points are restored to health X and you choose one opposing card, this and other card randomly selected (yours or adverse) will be discarded.

Justification: This legendary this very OP, breaks the game too much, I can not fault any more than another are very good, but this is passed, it is very clear that is something that would have to be nerfed a bit. You need only give a small chance that discard auto herself, or withdraw from the game, besides having a bad light on offense, since otherwise ensures kill, and do not suffer a scratch, and the worst is that pedue maintained indefinitely, however, if they discard or return to the hand, own effect, you would have to spend moves to replay it, which would not be something so illogical, which each time the character is saved, have to sacrifice a movement play it.

This card has no weak point, because if you face against marauders, it is inevitable not hit hard. and if you avoid, using deck whatever you take, hit hard to avoid its effect, surely you die, so it is always profit for the adverse. That is also why I propose a malus on offense, as well the player has to think more about whether you should take in ALL their decks, because what suffering in mind and defense is not harmful alo, only helps its effect is activated making, not only to be saved in that combat and other more, but also discard cards, and possibly kill the opposing character, thus ensuring the game only by a single card, which is very frustrating, you get completely back the game because of a single card, which should not be so, should be very useful if, but not something decisive in most of the games, changing the course of this completely. Forcing the decks incorporate ALL cards withdraw from the game or discard cards in play, weakening decks much to add cards that should not go by that is not the strategy as well. Thus, as I propose, not only would remain very good, but would balance a little effect, and can auto discarded if you got bad luck or no more cards come into play, but saving you, and also decreasing the likelihood of ensuring killing the adverse while you save without damage or negative effect. I mean, this is a alting 3.0, super enhanced, not discarded and discarded adverse cards, the other card already had many problems .... is much more even.

In addition, I also propose the change to most of the cards of dueling clans, with the 2 guilds that were in battle for 1 week to have her winning guild, and perhaps add some guild more or improve some of them, perhaps with an additional bonus to the winner of the duel guild, so they are given more useful to those cards, which are unique and rare the vast majority. Many of them are not used in the current metagame, and could be good this proposal, because as new cards that do not show up the drawings of characters, it would be difficult new cards with multiple unions were not released. Thus, there would be more cards so without relying on any new card. These cards typically have characteristics of the 2 guilds that competed. Therefore it would be easier, logical or believable, among the other cards, to put it as multi guild.

PS: sorry if you do not understand, I use google translator. hehehe

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 19:56 

Inscription : 18 Juillet 2014, 09:33
Message(s) : 250
Modification du personnage : arrive en combat avec . Ou alors l'adversaire ne peut pas lui infliger dégâts magiques...
Ps: Oui, c'est un peu abusé, mais il y a bien pire que cette proposition de modification. ;v
Pourquoi la modifier ? Simplement pour remettre ce splendide personnage à niveau, qui est très peu joué, malheureusement...


Dernière édition par Speedii_ le 13 Août 2016, 20:57, édité 1 fois.

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Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 20:55 
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Inscription : 25 Juillet 2013, 00:32
Message(s) : 1651
c'est abusé en effet è_è.

Un peu à l'image de la meute combattant, peu importe que le perso soit bon ou mauvais, les cartes qui construisent ce deck font le café.

Un attaque -3 contre aurait plus de sens.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 13 Août 2016, 22:37 

Inscription : 18 Juillet 2014, 09:33
Message(s) : 250
Orshen a écrit :
c'est abusé en effet è_è.

Un peu à l'image de la meute combattant, peu importe que le perso soit bon ou mauvais, les cartes qui construisent ce deck font le café.

Un attaque -3 contre aurait plus de sens.

Attaque -3 contre maraudeurs, défense -3 contre combattants, et esprit -3 contre mages et prêtres jusqu'à la fin du tour ?


 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 14 Août 2016, 11:20 
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Inscription : 25 Juillet 2013, 00:32
Message(s) : 1651
Non, juste contre Zereshin :u

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 11 Novembre 2016, 14:30 

Inscription : 29 Mars 2013, 19:35
Message(s) : 78
Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : En fin de tour, chaque personnage ayant gagné des points de vie ce tour-ci a une chance sur 2 d'en perdre le double
Justification : Cette carte a elle seule empêche le game play heal (genre immortel)

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : Le joueur adverse ne pioche aucune carte lors de la prochaine phase de pioche. Une fois jouée cette carte a une chance sur 2 d'être retirée de la partie.
Justification : C'est juste frustrant de perdre sans pouvoir jouer et en plus en sachant qu'on n'aura jamais l'occasion de piocher et jouer une carte. Cette carte a été bannie en amnezy a cause de ça. Limiter la pioche de carte par l'adversaire était pourtant un gameplay intéressant.

Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : Si vous ou votre adversaire avez au moins 2 personnages en vie,chaque fois que vous devez subir des dégâts magiques, ils sont infligés à la place à un autre personnage.
Justification : Cette carte a elle seule empêche le gameplay mage dégâts magiques

Citer :
Ultima Barrera
Defense, Spirit and attack minimal = 0. (or Attack printed)
........ Otherwise, His points are restored to health X and you choose one opposing card, this and other card randomly selected (yours or adverse) will be discarded.

Justification: This legendary this very OP, breaks the game too much, I can not fault any more than another are very good, but this is passed, it is very clear that is something that would have to be nerfed a bit. You need only give a small chance that discard auto herself, or withdraw from the game, besides having a bad light on offense, since otherwise ensures kill, and do not suffer a scratch, and the worst is that pedue maintained indefinitely, however, if they discard or return to the hand, own effect, you would have to spend moves to replay it, which would not be something so illogical, which each time the character is saved, have to sacrifice a movement play it.

This card has no weak point, because if you face against marauders, it is inevitable not hit hard. and if you avoid, using deck whatever you take, hit hard to avoid its effect, surely you die, so it is always profit for the adverse. That is also why I propose a malus on offense, as well the player has to think more about whether you should take in ALL their decks, because what suffering in mind and defense is not harmful alo, only helps its effect is activated making, not only to be saved in that combat and other more, but also discard cards, and possibly kill the opposing character, thus ensuring the game only by a single card, which is very frustrating, you get completely back the game because of a single card, which should not be so, should be very useful if, but not something decisive in most of the games, changing the course of this completely. Forcing the decks incorporate ALL cards withdraw from the game or discard cards in play, weakening decks much to add cards that should not go by that is not the strategy as well. Thus, as I propose, not only would remain very good, but would balance a little effect, and can auto discarded if you got bad luck or no more cards come into play, but saving you, and also decreasing the likelihood of ensuring killing the adverse while you save without damage or negative effect. I mean, this is a alting 3.0, super enhanced, not discarded and discarded adverse cards, the other card already had many problems .... is much more even.


Citer :
Carte à modifier:Branches vives
Proposition de modification:Durée 2 combats. Attaque defense et esprit +2 ou +3 si "branches vives" ou "liane vengeresse" est active.
Si vous avez un allier arbre monde votre adversaire à Attaque , defense et esprit -1
Justification::La carte offre un écart de 6 points entre toutes les stats des deux personnages en combat. Et elle dure en plus deux combats. je propose donc de réduire cette écart à 4points , ce qui reste important.


Citer :
héritage du guerrier

"Choisissez un de vos autres combattants, celui-ci subit 15 dégâts directs, meurt et vous avez Attaque +X où X est égal à l'Attaque min. de base du personnage ainsi choisi.
Hom'chaï: Défense +3."

La raison de cette proposition est évidente, rien que le fait de sacrifier un de ses personnages rends la victoire aux points obligatoire. C'est un luxe que les hom'chaï pourraient se passer.

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Message Publié : 12 Novembre 2016, 13:17 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:14
Message(s) : 1043
VichoLenador a écrit :
Carte actuelle à modifier :
Proposition de modification : En fin de tour, chaque personnage ayant gagné des points de vie ce tour-ci a une chance sur 2 d'en perdre le double
Justification : Cette carte a elle seule empêche le game play heal (genre immortel)

C'est une blague?
Sans cette carte avec son txt actuel, les jeux "heal" vont devenir imbuvables... déjà qu'ils le sont. :(
Ca doit rester un punition, point final... on pourrait même la tripler tiens! Bien fait! :D

"S'habiller de noir pour faire pleurer le soleil"
"Si tu vois un canard blanc sur un lac, c' est un signe..."
Kyuden Bayushi admin - corrupted mad ronin
"If you can find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere"

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