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Message Publié : 24 Août 2016, 11:36 
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Inscription : 06 Juillet 2013, 03:38
Message(s) : 348
hmmm i figured but you do realize that discard is NOT disruption right? a discard deck has the goal to empty your deck while disruption has the goal not to allow you to play your deck...

i see that both are problematic playstyles but they are not the same type and thus should not be mixed in finding solutions for either

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 24 Août 2016, 14:56 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
i would rather see some of the disruptive mechanics being reworked.
Like it was done with
Disruptive effekts are kinda stuck on some cards as extras that is too much.
I think discard cards should be more "expensive" and not just tagged on to an already good card.
An example is which is on its own the second strongest spell noz blast has.
But it has an advantage tagged onto it which kinda feels uneccessary.
We see how powerfull discard is since a simple card like was widely played so it was banned.

And yeah, i have to bring up my most hated card atm in this game again , the tagged on discard to an already beyond good card is just too much i think. Descarding 2 cards of your choice is a mighty tool.(maye its just that i play decks with few ways to discard which made me build up a hate against this card...)

personally id love to see more nerfs(kinda weird) and see the overall power level going down, instad of introducing such VERY specific cards.
Because in the end, cards that are way to specific will never be played(except if theyr really broken).

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 26 Septembre 2016, 17:14 

Inscription : 05 Avril 2013, 16:21
Message(s) : 42
I would say that their could/should be a Keyword that makes a card undiscardable.

But it should be a keyword that weakens a card and it should be printed on the special card just like chain:
Duration: 2 Fights, undiscardable.
Attack +2. If the card played in chain is discarded you gain Attack +2 until end of the game

or a Character that has an order Bonus that says: Cards played by name gain undiscardable until end of turn.

just like in a certain game "this spell can't be countered" I think those cards are good for the game but giving the effect to each card is really hard.

I mean discard is something like counter an opponents card and even tough you shouldn't make cards that protect all you cards you can at least make some cards with the ability that they can't be countered.

Plus we could make cards that trigger when they are discarded (even when they aren't played) like a spell that deals 5 magical Damage. If this card is discarded during the fight it deals 8 magical damage.
That card would be a spell that hits pretty low but when discarded by a counter or from the hand or what ever it deals more damage.

There are plenty of ways to make cards that a strong against discard but don't have to say something your cards can't be discarded.

Altough I can imagine a card like The old big Means (not attaching at the start of the game) saying Chain. Cards can't be discarded. Duration 1-2 Turns.
it can protect at least one card and if you're lucky the cards played by your next character. But something like that should work for both sides the time it's around.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 27 Septembre 2016, 01:00 

Inscription : 14 Avril 2013, 05:02
Message(s) : 3
The cards could use more balancing but this is what i have.

My anti discard card..
That backfired...
uncommon, unique

This card cannot be played.
This card can only be placed in your graveyard.
This card can't be removed from the game.

If this card is discarded from your hand because of your opponent's action. All your cards in your graveyard have a 1 in 3 chances to be returned to your deck. If 5 or more cards are returned. 5 cards are placed in your hand.

This card has 1 in 3 chances to be placed in your deck. Otherwise its placed in your graveyard.

My anti disrupt card..

This card can't be removed from the game.
This card cannot be discarded when played.
This card can only be placed in your graveyard.

At the end of your turn, you can place this card in your opponent's graveyard.
If this card is placed in your opponent's graveyard. All your cards in your opponents graveyard have 1 in 4 chances to be returned to your deck.

This card is then placed in your graveyard.

Too crazy but..
Let's start over...

This card cannot be discarded by your opponent.
This card can only be placed in your graveyard.

All cards in both graveyards have a 1 in 3 chances to be returned to their owners decks. This card is then removed from the game.

And last... Instead of a new anti discard character why not
Emperor's new clothes.
item / other

This card cannot be discarded by your opponents cards.
This card can't be removed from the game.
This card can only be placed in your graveyard.

At the start on the game this card is attached to one of your characters.

Each time a character has to discard a card because of the effect of their opponents cards. The card has a 1 in 3 chances to ignore the discard effect.

optional effect: when the character with this card dies. The card has a 1 in 3 chances to be attached to one of your living characters. Otherwise its placed in your deck.

As you can see. I like the gambling idea of 1 in x chances to do something.
Imo it adds some tension and keeps each game different. It also does not completely counter the discard / disrupt play style.

 Hors-ligne Profil  
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