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 Sujet du message : A lot of Balancing
Message Publié : 14 Novembre 2016, 16:31 

Inscription : 14 Juillet 2014, 18:53
Message(s) : 78
As you all can see, many card right now are really imbalance.

The update in this few weeks are just to make some character less useless or make a new character that too imbalance.

Take a example of Mush deck.
Thit deck can easily get more than 10 buff (Bright branches) and even make a magic poison per turn.
And now with S/D, this deck are just really ......

Another issue is that some legendary card are too strong, even for legendary card.
Cards like Unstable Portal, Last Barrier, Orb, and Snow Tornado, are really game changer.
When Zil Marauder doesn't have a chance to fight Unstable Portal, card like clumsiness are really helpful, but it also mean that you only play one card that turn (Clumsiness + other card) when enemy play 2 cards (+2 if the character use Unstable Portal) and that doesn't balance at all.
And i already fought some deck that even contain more than 6 legendary with a lot of fancy card.

Sacred/Damned problem
1. In game that play only 2 cards per turn, now player can play 3 cards per turn and not only play 3 cards it also give a buff.
2. Only Newest card get this, so older deck are pretty much worn out.
3. And Legendary character problem. Legendary character are really strong character with great stats and effect. But when they meet Sacred/Damned character, they have really high chance to lose. And if Legendary character become Sacred/Damned, then you could imagine yourself.
Iro could play up to 6 swords or at least 2 swords with 1 muramasa 7 secret.
Oerenous could play up to 5 weapons in 1 turn.
Killicrew could play up to 3 Supplying and just bomb it in the next turn (with lucky draw)

How to Balance this problems
1. Downgrade
Legendary card like Unstable Portal and other card like mush, really need to downgrade because they just too powerful.
2. Erased or Modified Sacred/Damned System
While i personaly wanted that this system is erased because many reason, but i also have another idea to balance this system, and that is to modified it.
Modified here is mean that Sacred/Damned card only give a buff not to make a character could play another card.
Make the maximum limit of a deck contain only 6 Sacred/Damned other card. and make the system like this :
If Sacred/Damned character plays 2 Sacred/Damned cards, then random Sacred/Damned in his hand are played.
So that they only have 2 chances in one game to play 3 card per turn.

Beside if you want to make Sacred/Damned become balance, than the only way is to make it happen is that all older cards must become it to, or it will never be balance. (But then market price will destroyed)

3. Limit
Maximum 4 to 6 Legendary per deck is good i think, not too few or too much and the poorer ones still have hope to win it.

Well, basically i'm just too poor to catch up with Legendary users.... and now come Sacred/Damned system....

but i hope this helping :D
Sorry for my bad english

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 Sujet du message : Re: A lot of Balancing
Message Publié : 29 Novembre 2016, 05:56 

Inscription : 26 Septembre 2014, 17:26
Message(s) : 42
Blue_Knight109 a écrit :
As you all can see, many card right now are really imbalance.

The update in this few weeks are just to make some character less useless or make a new character that too imbalance.

Take a example of Mush deck.
Thit deck can easily get more than 10 buff (Bright branches) and even make a magic poison per turn.
And now with S/D, this deck are just really ......

Another issue is that some legendary card are too strong, even for legendary card.
Cards like Unstable Portal, Last Barrier, Orb, and Snow Tornado, are really game changer.
When Zil Marauder doesn't have a chance to fight Unstable Portal, card like clumsiness are really helpful, but it also mean that you only play one card that turn (Clumsiness + other card) when enemy play 2 cards (+2 if the character use Unstable Portal) and that doesn't balance at all.
And i already fought some deck that even contain more than 6 legendary with a lot of fancy card.

Sacred/Damned problem
1. In game that play only 2 cards per turn, now player can play 3 cards per turn and not only play 3 cards it also give a buff.
2. Only Newest card get this, so older deck are pretty much worn out.
3. And Legendary character problem. Legendary character are really strong character with great stats and effect. But when they meet Sacred/Damned character, they have really high chance to lose. And if Legendary character become Sacred/Damned, then you could imagine yourself.
Iro could play up to 6 swords or at least 2 swords with 1 muramasa 7 secret.
Oerenous could play up to 5 weapons in 1 turn.
Killicrew could play up to 3 Supplying and just bomb it in the next turn (with lucky draw)

How to Balance this problems
1. Downgrade
Legendary card like Unstable Portal and other card like mush, really need to downgrade because they just too powerful.
2. Erased or Modified Sacred/Damned System
While i personaly wanted that this system is erased because many reason, but i also have another idea to balance this system, and that is to modified it.
Modified here is mean that Sacred/Damned card only give a buff not to make a character could play another card.
Make the maximum limit of a deck contain only 6 Sacred/Damned other card. and make the system like this :
If Sacred/Damned character plays 2 Sacred/Damned cards, then random Sacred/Damned in his hand are played.
So that they only have 2 chances in one game to play 3 card per turn.

Beside if you want to make Sacred/Damned become balance, than the only way is to make it happen is that all older cards must become it to, or it will never be balance. (But then market price will destroyed)

3. Limit
Maximum 4 to 6 Legendary per deck is good i think, not too few or too much and the poorer ones still have hope to win it.

Well, basically i'm just too poor to catch up with Legendary users.... and now come Sacred/Damned system....

but i hope this helping :D
Sorry for my bad english

mush + shroom are OP
1. all nature guem can play nature spell without restriction
2. all nature guem gain chain nature spell until end game
3. each time nature spell active they gain att +2 or deff +1
4. even turn or odd turn all character -2 mgc dmge or +2 mgc dmge
5. they are create magic poison after played cards.
6. if u evo soul, u can play extra card include AoE
NB: sorry this is my opinion. i think mush+shroom are OVER POWER DECK

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