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 Sujet du message : Re: Need a Hand for the Kotoba?
Message Publié : 15 Décembre 2016, 13:57 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 16:56
Message(s) : 750
Well, i wrote a message 3 days ago but it ddnt seem to get posted, so sry for the late response.

So first of all, the tracker/ crow deck is a deck i havent build yet so you need to do some expirimentation on your own.
But i can give you a rough blueprint of the deck.
First of all this deck wont be super powerfull, i think a pure tracker deck would still be better but hey its stil lfun i think.

Other then those 2 there sadly is no good crow tracker, so id suggest we go for
for his solid raw stats

So first, the core cards:
3x simply a free good card
3x well bread and butter of the crows
3x good heal and chain this deck needs
3x ignore spirit and set their attack to a minimum, perfect offense and defense
2x for kotori order bonus
3x moe stuff to play for your 2 characters
1-2 you want that magic attack, and 3 okugi arent enough.
this is it as an item so it an be played by cards like acrobatic fight

Might be good:
simply a solid chain card. Annoys the enemy and gives solid stats
you need quite specific combos so cycling through your deck might be quite valuable
simply a good defensive option + its an item with chain

Posible cards, quite unsure here:
good stats and item, but lack of chain might get the deck stuck
because you wont have that high of an attack this might disrupt some attack based mages or other marodeurs.

Finally add some legendarys like orother good cards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Need a Hand for the Kotoba?
Message Publié : 15 Décembre 2016, 22:20 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 19:52
Message(s) : 139
Thanks a lot, how about a standard warrior deck?

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 Sujet du message : Re: Need a Hand for the Kotoba?
Message Publié : 26 Décembre 2016, 11:02 

Inscription : 16 Septembre 2013, 11:26
Message(s) : 33
hotfoot a écrit :
Thanks a lot, how about a standard warrior deck?

You need around 9+ swords, X 3 imperial guard amour, 3 murasama's 7 secrets. Would be the core cards.

Character's would be Legendary Iro, Asajiro the vagabound and yakibi quo ( not sure the spelling on the last one.)

Other cards you can consider are the corrupted and Ra's broken sword for Iro on the first turn.

Note: this is a pretty expensive deck and you'd probably need to consider legendary cards such as The big means and A new start from my experience. You can empty your deck pretty fast pulling out swords and using 7 secrets.

Their are other warrior decks for kotoba but they are below mediocre if not using 7 secrets.

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 Sujet du message : Re: Need a Hand for the Kotoba?
Message Publié : 03 Janvier 2017, 14:39 

Inscription : 26 Mars 2013, 17:02
Message(s) : 15
Any cheap Demon Hunter decks?

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