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Do you think this new Sacred/Damned feature needs modifications ?
Yes, This feature needs some adjustment to preserve the future of the game. 98%  98%  [ 97 ]
No, This feature is good for the game with no changes needed 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Nombre total de votes : 99
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Message Publié : 13 Août 2017, 01:44 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:44
Message(s) : 2233
Localisation : Peru
The easiest solution without having to modify them; Would be to create two more minimal rooms; That could be these:

1.- A normal room, where you can not play soul cards or triple characters. What do not work as soul cards.
2.- A global tournament room, where you can not play soul cards. What do not work as soul cards
3.- .....

And to boost the game more, they should do more propaganda as they did before, example:

Also look for new servers where you can buy crystals or diamonds, almost all of America can not buy, are losing profits there.

"El corazón roto es propio del hombre, la falla en su voluntad es donde nace la corrupción..."

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 14 Août 2017, 11:05 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
so here is my idea for somehow solving this royal BS that feerik produced here...

Holy and Damned are all about balance right? like ying and yang like light and shadow...

so how about this rule: for each holy/damned card in a deck you will have to put another of the other type in as well...

so in my mind what this rule would do is to limit the chance of playing ure uber combo while still allowing it... thus players will be able to play their favorite BS combos which destroy me totally in round 1-2 but not EVERY damn time...

so first of all i m thinking that this also ought to include characters... so you can only have 1 holy, 1 damned and 1 normal char (cause of the balance)

and with the rest of the cards if you have 3 damned soul cards in ure deck you have to have 3 holy cards in your deck as well (again for balance)... so now there is a chance that you have to play your damned cards with your holy character... thus no effect should take place.... anyhow the chance still exists that holy char plays holy cards and starts off with combo XYZ...

i think this way the "uberness" would lose an edge... it would also allow players to keep whatever they bought cause now they only need additions... so another thing that will happen is that for the next few months players will not be able to use their fav damned holy decks cause they will need to adjust... so that means i can play in peace... i got no problem being beaten... but this game is not about playing 1-2 cards and then see what my enemy did and how it plays out...

this rule could help the game i think...

you get me so far? what do u think?

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 23 Août 2017, 11:14 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 23:42
Message(s) : 36
Regardless of any solutions, the game is currently FUCKED! and nothing is happening! How can it take this long FFS! I am sticking with Eredan in the hope it will change but i don't know how much more patient i can be. I bought a product from you Feerik! You Fucked it! FIX IT NOW!

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Message Publié : 23 Août 2017, 11:38 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Apparently there is something happening at the headquarters. See the event of this month, it has some promising aspects... renewed adventure mode with patched characters, the event room is pretty reasonable, store is interesting, etc. The only thing i do not know is the prices :)
Let's wait the new act before abandoning all hope. ;)

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 23 Août 2017, 15:49 

Inscription : 08 Mars 2013, 17:52
Message(s) : 2
These cards ruined the game. I'm not playing currently because of these cards but dropping by in hopes that some change comes. Hope it comes soon.

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Message Publié : 26 Août 2017, 13:55 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 20:19
Message(s) : 6
I am afraid not this change "ruined the game", the tendency of 'improving cards' has been there and resulted in more and more absurd outcomes.
- Basically the guideline of '2 cards/round' is long changed, regardless of these stones. I just logged in to a random match for this event, Sap deck, Bulu'baga + 2 new kuars, 1st turn "A mangled skull" is created (automatically). 2nd turn, sensory alteration, 3 cards again, etc. Next match, Zil dagger, what a surprise, 4 cards in the same round, 69 dmg in 3 rounds. The special ability of the event reward 'Camo': 'Unfortunate encounter' is attached to both allies. Etc. To be provocative: I don't see why these soul stones are picked as the primary problem: one card more or less hardly matters.
- Referring to the above: I am uncertain if getting/keeping new players is a priority for this game. I am also uncertain if a new player (with his/her random, very often old and outdated cards) gets into the room for the event and gets bitchslapped in 2 rounds will stay. (It would be interesting to see some stats of the number of players.) And in this event room hardly any legendaries are allowed actually.
- And to the complaints like "you need soul stones to win". The situation was the same when legendaries were dumped into the game, so it is not at all new I guess. As a matter of fact you need a heap of legendaries to be competitive (at least slightly) in Global (and maybe in Standard as well). Which is great if one is happy seeing +62 atk in a round, but as a player having no fun with that I feel this game less and less attractive.
- Getting stones: I don't see the problem. I never bought any boosters or similar, and I have 8 of them (from daily rewards) +2 is applied actually.

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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 06:14 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
legendaries (non characters) werent as broken in the past, they were expensive toolboxs, making your deck a bit better, now u have legendaries winning your games by themselves, 14dmg with 1 corruption of orbs, extra lives with last barrier, another op removal stop the time, stonehearth healing full your chars

making soul cards nerfed every non soul card in the process, legendaries wont be souled so they arent so legendary now, playing extra cards was reduced to play X card most of the cases (making it sort of balanced) soul card allow you to play ANY CARD, yet they made cards like lightning bolts non soul (?) i mean u never want to play a soul aoe spell, is the opposite way

in one hand, they nerfed otk mages in the past, but now they made another mechanic to speed up otks of any type

i dont care, the staff can make exodia if they want atthis point, of course is fair if every card has a soul version? i dont think so, playin an extra card makes decks with hard counters even better, you play 3, the opponent play 1 or maybe 2 with luck, aggresive decks win faster, boring slow decks stall longer

meanwhile if i want to play a non otk, non slow, non aggro deck i got stomped (in part cause my deck has no soul units yet)

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 13:30 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
ummm what? i totally dont get your point wolvos...

 Hors-ligne Profil  
Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 18:41 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
soul cards dont ruined the game, but they make new more broken otk or stall combos, and nerfed the rest of the non soul cards

i dont like them, even if they make every card soul (at least until lightning bolts), makes cheese decks harder to beat (golems stackin 3 items per fight, otks, kotobas hitting 3 times in the first fight with 7 secrets)

the game was balanced around 2 cards per fight (some chars can play more, but IN MOST OF THEM, is reduced to 1 specific card, and that gives you a way to play around it)

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 18:56 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
That is true guys... Lemme ask a question: If you would have to change the "play an extra card" effect of the sacred cards, what would it be?
I mean if you would have to take into consideration both playerbases, in order to not ruin those who have paid for it, but make it more balanced.
For example: I would prefer to give Chain instead, or personalized effect for each class, etc..
What would your suggestion be?

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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