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Do you think this new Sacred/Damned feature needs modifications ?
Yes, This feature needs some adjustment to preserve the future of the game. 98%  98%  [ 97 ]
No, This feature is good for the game with no changes needed 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Nombre total de votes : 99
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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 19:36 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
first instinct was... skip the extra card... damned and sacred have that small -+1damage bonus... thats enough!

now i know that there is little chance of going that way... so how about this

when one of the two cards you play is a sacred or damned card you will get the option to play one additional card

so yes a player will still be able to play 3 cards in a turn... but he has to that before he sees the cards of the enemy... in the early days of eredan that was the way fights were happening... you played your 1-2 cards (most cases just 1), ure enemy does the same, both players reveal and now look what happens...

the problem nowadays is that people have a super big chance of reacting directly on the cards the enemy played... "you play two permanents? ahh ok hahah but i played a sacred now i go for a card that removes yours"

with the current option too many players render the enemies move useless

also i would say that the extra cards cannot be an aoe, neither a legend (maybe one could also go as far and say non-rare)

another option would be a "random" card is played... either from your deck or totally random from a certain pool of cards much like santa

anyhow i still believe that the system overall needs a big tweak and if i could actually change something i would limit the likelihood of a sacred char playing a sacred card with additional rules

one of the rules could be the balancing act which i suggested in another thread... each sacred needs a damned to be balanced... so a deck can only contain 1 sacred, 1 damned and 1 normal char plus an equal number of sacred and damned cards...

this way the chance exists that in your turn you play ure sacred char but you only have a damned card in hand... actually i would like to put that dilemma situation on the players who use sacred/damned (dilemma here being play the card now without bonus or wait till i can play with the correct char)

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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 20:04 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 17:01
Message(s) : 6173
Localisation : da world
just said revert back to 2 would be the best option

but i know thats not gonna happen, then the option of play 3 cards directly is good, but i think you must be forced to only play the same sacred type as third card

also if you make event non bosses chars to be able to use the mechanic of play an extra card too would be nice, cause they feel even worse than a common char now :\

My (outdated) decks

create a new post if you want to communicate with me, DONT SEND PMs!!!!


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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 20:08 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Wolvos a écrit :
just said revert back to 2 would be the best option

but i know thats not gonna happen, then the option of play 3 cards directly is good, but i think you must be forced to only play the same sacred type as third card

also if you make event non bosses chars to be able to use the mechanic of play an extra card too would be nice, cause they feel even worse than a common char now :\

It's gonna happen. Currently I am working on a re-design suggestion for the soul system, and I am trying to exchange the extra card played for an another effect, which is less op but not useless.
Although the idea of being forced to play an exact type of card seems interesting, I will do some research on it

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 27 Août 2017, 23:53 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Think very well your ideas and benefit all classes, not only stalling characters or those who cancel, also think that if they take away the effect of playing 1 additional card then the mages will lose power. Also thinks that the most benefited of increasing resistance will be stall decks or discards or aggro decks and mages will be left behind.

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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Message Publié : 28 Août 2017, 00:41 

Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 20:31
Message(s) : 75
mesterl a écrit :
That is true guys... Lemme ask a question: If you would have to change the "play an extra card" effect of the sacred cards, what would it be?
I mean if you would have to take into consideration both playerbases, in order to not ruin those who have paid for it, but make it more balanced.
For example: I would prefer to give Chain instead, or personalized effect for each class, etc..
What would your suggestion be?


It could be one of the following:

1. Draw one extra card next turn (gives consistency to the deck);
2. Chain a card with the same guild as your character even if you are locked of chain;
3. Class based: Warrior def +1, Marauder/Berserker atk +1, Mage sp +1, Priest current and max hp +1. If your character is multi class, only one random effect will activate (to maintain the balance, so multi classed characters doesnt become more valuable than single classed)

From all those I would prefer number 1, than number 2.

After reading Mister Loyal's suggestion, it could also fit.

When you play a sacred/damned card, you cannot chain. You play just that. Then after you see the fight and your opponent's card, when your soul card activates you can play a second card from your hand. This is cool too.

Evil is just a point of view.

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Message Publié : 28 Août 2017, 00:46 

Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 20:31
Message(s) : 75
One more point to consider in the game is the amount of canceling cards. Players can stack and spam canceling cards, guild changing, race changing etc. They should ALL be tagged as Unique. Or maybe allow only one of this kind per deck. Having too many of those hurt some kinds of deck more than others and make less interesting to play those.
This could make canceling cards more valuable because they would be more strategic than spammable.

Evil is just a point of view.

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Message Publié : 28 Août 2017, 03:53 

Inscription : 25 Juillet 2014, 11:37
Message(s) : 200
John_Sebastian1748 a écrit :
Think very well your ideas and benefit all classes, not only stalling characters or those who cancel, also think that if they take away the effect of playing 1 additional card then the mages will lose power. Also thinks that the most benefited of increasing resistance will be stall decks or discards or aggro decks and mages will be left behind.

please tell me exactly at which state in eredan's history mages were 'left behind'

as far as i remember (player since 2010) i got my ass handed by mages at any given time...

i admit there once was a time with a huge debate about a hard counter (which's name i forgot atm) but other than that... blast decks, even discards if you want to count them in, crystal storm... all this crap was hard to beat all the way before sacred/damned

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Message Publié : 28 Août 2017, 09:15 
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Inscription : 19 Juillet 2013, 19:27
Message(s) : 2184
Localisation : Romania
Mister Loyal a écrit :
John_Sebastian1748 a écrit :
Think very well your ideas and benefit all classes, not only stalling characters or those who cancel, also think that if they take away the effect of playing 1 additional card then the mages will lose power. Also thinks that the most benefited of increasing resistance will be stall decks or discards or aggro decks and mages will be left behind.

please tell me exactly at which state in eredan's history mages were 'left behind'

as far as i remember (player since 2010) i got my ass handed by mages at any given time...

i admit there once was a time with a huge debate about a hard counter (which's name i forgot atm) but other than that... blast decks, even discards if you want to count them in, crystal storm... all this crap was hard to beat all the way before sacred/damned

There are currently several Mage decks that are not that viable as they should be, but in grand general, the mages were always doing pretty well.
The choice of the new effect will not be easy at all, and I think the Chain. will not be a good idea, because the pure spell- mages will not benefit of this.
There will be a careful research about it, and I hope we will be able to find the best solution.

Guild Leader of the Zil Warriors

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Message Publié : 28 Août 2017, 15:49 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 20:19
Message(s) : 6
I am uncertain if these stones were meant to be similar to seals of Arena, but finally "got out of control". Anyway, TutahaMatador's idea (Class based: Warrior def +1, Marauder/Berserker atk +1, Mage sp +1, Priest current and max hp +1.) is something similar, and is a good one.
Another option may be considered: leave these stones as they are, but banish them to Global (which is already a disaster balance-wise) and introducing new tournament(s) at the same time. This latter would be a necessary step anyway if getting/keeping new players is of any priority.

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Message Publié : 11 Septembre 2017, 13:09 

Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 23:42
Message(s) : 36
Just do something FFS! This has been a thread now since this time last year! DO SOMETHING TO FIX THIS! Are the Devs that hard up for ideas that after one year of complaints they now look to the players for solutions!? This is ridiculous!

Some of the solutions presented by players will fix it. But they aren't revolutionary ideas (no offence), they are kind of obvious and the Dev team must have thought of these and haven't implemented a thing. WTF are they doing with their time?!

I'm so bored of playing the same decks over and over with no chance of winning. Why don't we call the Quilingo Tournament the Pay to Win Tourney and make one where we can actually deck build and experiment with cards that we have PAID MONEY FOR!

Seriously pissed off... I mean what is the point in having these cards when they are rendered useless due to the fact that i don't want to buy soul stones! At this point if i could sell me cards back to the server i would.

Trading cards games should present balanced decks! Golden rule, and Devs know it. Right now some decks are simply unplayable. Good work guys. Taking the golden rule into account, you've made a really sh*t card game

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