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 Sujet du message : New Tournaments\
Message Publié : 30 Mars 2017, 01:07 

Inscription : 10 Avril 2013, 17:43
Message(s) : 50
Can we get a new tournament? I was thinking one where the restrictions are for Acts 1-4. Feerik wouldn't have to really do that much for this so I think it would be easier to implement for them. I'm just tired of Quilingo and Amnezy because it's just full of those stupid soul stone cards. At least the earlier acts were more balanced. Plus, this would give veteran players something to do. Ideally, this tournament would restart every 3 days just like Quilingo

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 Sujet du message : Re: New Tournaments\
Message Publié : 30 Mars 2017, 15:10 
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Inscription : 08 Octobre 2013, 17:34
Message(s) : 657
That will not happen:
1. Actuall Tournaments are too empty to even make a new one. (That is what mods always say, since new tournament suggestions came from time to time.)
2. Since they want to reprint all those old useless cards to make them useful *cough* you would get those damned holy cards in such an restricted tournament too sooner or later. Or at least the new card text would affect an old tournament, even it is says no damned/holy cards.

Just play Lucian/basic tournament ... it is your only chance too escape the power creep. I know, it is boring, but at least the only tournament, that will never get those cards. Even in her new last levels becomes an act 13/non-basic card and so not in Basic tournament.

-/ \
Al hail and glory to the Zil, the living Shadow and the Circus!

PS.: Right now I'm only on for calendar. Not playing activ.
We lost the balance too bad since the damned sacred cards.

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 Sujet du message : Re: New Tournaments\
Message Publié : 03 Octobre 2017, 13:50 

Inscription : 10 Novembre 2013, 22:48
Message(s) : 83
I have small idea to rework Tournaments into queue as dungeons queue in Neverwinter so player may wait for opponents in two or more Tournaments in same time or maybe for Training too. Ofc. player must chose deck for each Tournament before.

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