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Message Publié : 17 Novembre 2017, 15:26 
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Inscription : 22 Janvier 2013, 19:02
Message(s) : 1736

Hello dear players,

Today we welcome the first Legendary card of Act 14 on Eredan iTCG: !


Find this card in its Legendary Pack. It contains: "Vitality Flask" + 1 other Legendary card, 11 Rare, 48 Uncommon and 84 Common cards from acts 5 to 14.

Also in this pack: +1 Foiler card, 4 XP+100 cards, 1 XP+200 card and 1 XP+500 card.

The Legendary Pack will be available until Wednesday, November 22nd at noon (Paris hour).

Have a good weekend on Eredan iTCG!

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Message Publié : 17 Novembre 2017, 16:23 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
A desperate attempt to raise resources, since with nerfed soul packs, they can't do it.

So with this it is confirmed that they only want to extend the duration of the games making them endless? They don't have ideas less boring and more entertaining, but that aren't equal or worse than broken like the crystal?

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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