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Message Publié : 02 Octobre 2017, 14:15 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:04
Message(s) : 1524

Guild Leader of the Nehantists
And it seems we weren't prepared... for a game that wasn't fair. Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, there is one thing we can do. Let's just live!
BattleTag: Dekillerking#1139

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Message Publié : 02 Octobre 2017, 16:22 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 4209
Rue_Raurit a écrit :

Ese Morty Malvado tiene mucha presencia XD, ¡y su tema es OP!

Lo adoro (?).


Encontré este comentario (en inglés, luego veré si lo traduzco (?)) en este vídeo mientras buscaba OST de Halo (?).

Citer :
I come to the realization every now and then that I've learned so much from video game characters; characters from Halo in particular. The Master Chief has taught me that no matter how much heroes sacrifice, no matter how much they suffer, no matter how much glory they are given or how legendary their actions might be; being a hero will break you. In the name of the very few things you may ever love, you will give life and limb and in the end, the things you love will be torn away from you and all you can do is suck it up and keep moving with the foolish hope that one day you might have something to call yours again. From Halo Reach I've learned that no matter how hard you fight, even if you've been given the strength of a thousand men and given a team of equal or greater strength, you still might never win. The cut scene at the beginning of New Alexandria is a prime example of this. Even after losing a team mate and destroying a colossal covenant ship and losing countless other lives from the Savannah, you witness that even after you've given so much, it still wasn't enough. When Buck appears and the last thing he says to Noble Six before departing, the last thing he says is, "I'll see you in Hell." Many saw this to be an act of badassery which I would agree to, but for me it spoke volumes of the toll that such a war would put on a human being; that you would prefer to go to Hell than continue existing in such a horrible reality where monsters turn planets into dust and what ever resistance is put forth, it will only be torn to pieces. The sacrifices of countless human service members in the name of stopping the covenant's genocidal campaign against humanity. Every victory they fought for would come at immense cost and every loss would be absolute. Halo taught me that sometimes it doesn't matter how much you sacrifice, you will still lose and that if you truly want to win against your demons, you must become one yourself. It's quite bleak, I know, but that's just a little bit of what I've learned and given the solemnity of the piece, I shared what I felt was relative.

Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros.

Guild Leader Stone Linker.

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Message Publié : 10 Octobre 2017, 22:30 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:04
Message(s) : 1524

Guild Leader of the Nehantists
And it seems we weren't prepared... for a game that wasn't fair. Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, there is one thing we can do. Let's just live!
BattleTag: Dekillerking#1139

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Message Publié : 11 Octobre 2017, 00:50 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:13
Message(s) : 625
De Killer a écrit :

"Soy Julia Roberts en mujer bonita... pero por menos guita!"

Guild Leader Kotoba

Clan Sombra Blanca Rebirth

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Message Publié : 30 Octobre 2017, 12:52 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 21:21
Message(s) : 4209
Esto es una masterpiece (?).

Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros.

Guild Leader Stone Linker.

Moderador foro español/Spanish Forum Moderator.

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Message Publié : 06 Décembre 2017, 20:58 
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Inscription : 04 Février 2013, 18:04
Message(s) : 1524

Guild Leader of the Nehantists
And it seems we weren't prepared... for a game that wasn't fair. Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, there is one thing we can do. Let's just live!
BattleTag: Dekillerking#1139

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Message Publié : 14 Décembre 2017, 23:52 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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Message Publié : 31 Décembre 2017, 12:25 
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Inscription : 07 Février 2013, 22:33
Message(s) : 2546
Localisation : The demon of time
Bueno, me despedire del año 2017 dejando el opening y el ending que mas me han gustado de los que "yo" e visto este año teniendo en cuenta tanto lo potente que son las canciones junto como van unidas a las impresionantes imagenes mostradas del video (digo "yo" porque se que el opening es del 2016 pero yo lo vi en 2017 (y del 2017 no me han convencido muchos xD) , asi que para mi ya cuenta jajaja)

Mejor opening para mi:

Mejor ending para mi:

Y con esto me despido de este año ;)

Esperemos mejor suerte tanto en Eredan como en los animes del 2018 en las que se esperan grandes promesas epicas jajaja


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Message Publié : 31 Décembre 2017, 22:24 
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Inscription : 01 Mai 2014, 05:17
Message(s) : 1356
Va dedicado a todos los que creen que el juego va a mejorar

Even a well-lit place can hide salvation, a map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun.
Where the lost are the heroes and the thieves are left to drown, but everyone knows by now fairy tales are not found they're written in the walls

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Message Publié : 03 Février 2018, 21:24 
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Inscription : 05 Février 2013, 09:27
Message(s) : 334
Se siente arder, puede doler, me hace enrojecer ♪♫

"Sigo sin poder ver el futuro... El destino del mundo es incierto... "
- Natural Armonía Gropius/ N


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